We mentioned HERE about several new units on order with Crimson for Chicago. Brian Cummings, of Marshall, MI, submitted images of the two chassis sitting on the Spartan lot awaiting transportation to Crimson for completion. One represents a chassis for an engine for the academy, and the other, a lime green cab and chassis, is reportedly slated for the airport.

This Spartan Gladiator chassis for the Chicago Fire Department was photographed on the lot of Spartan Motors in Charlotte, MI. Brian Cummings photo

Another Spartan Gladiator chassis awaits transportation to the Crimson Fire plant for completion. It is being built for the Chicago Fire Department. The driver's seat features the CFD cluster. Brian Cummings photo

The window sign taped to the green cab windshield.
#1 by danny on March 25, 2012 - 11:44 PM
was reading the new fire apparatus journal and apparently the rig for o hare was purchased for training and as a spare for squad 7 not as a replacement for engine 9 or 10
#2 by JT on October 17, 2011 - 3:56 PM
Bill, thanks for the info.
#3 by chris on October 16, 2011 - 11:42 AM
ohare schould get their stuff with no problem because most of that money is from the feds
#4 by Bill Post on October 16, 2011 - 12:15 AM
J.T , to my knowledge bids haven’t been requested for new Squad companies as of yet (but I could be wrong).
On the City of Chicago’s Department of Procurement website under the Department of Fleet Management a “Chicago FIre Department Rescue Squad with Snorkel” has been listed as an upcoming project description for their 3rd quarter of 2011 through their 4th quarter of 2012 “Upcoming Contract Opportunities” list which was released in September of 2011.
An “O’Hare Field Rescue Squad” as well as an “O’Hare Field Fire Rapid Intervention vehicle has also been listed.
These vehicles were also on their “upcoming opportunity” list from about a year ago and they were not sent out to be bid upon so it really depends on Chicago’s finances which haven’t been that good as of late. But who know’s perhaps this year maybe the city will ask for bids on the Squads.
#5 by JT on October 14, 2011 - 10:09 AM
Hi guys,
I have a quick few questions if its ok, what or who is the prefered bidder for the new squads, has there been any info about what design the new squads may take..?
Many thnks
#6 by Dennis on October 12, 2011 - 8:58 AM
No Tower Ladders on order.
#7 by Brian on October 11, 2011 - 11:35 AM
Have the Tower Ladders been ordered yet?
#8 by Breyden wyman on October 11, 2011 - 10:23 AM
Im Fireman in Chicago and i don’t now where the first 4 crimson trucks are being assigned. But crimson needs to start making our crimson tower ladders
#9 by Mike on October 11, 2011 - 9:44 AM
Since I am not from the area and I am sorry for re-posting this but where are the 4 new Crimson trucks being assigned?
#10 by Breyden wyman on October 10, 2011 - 8:42 PM
DOES anyone now when Chicago is getting their tower ladders?
#11 by Bill Post on October 10, 2011 - 7:59 PM
It really makes alot of sense for the CFD to be buying a smaller one rear axle pumper for Engine 9’s quarters as Engine 9 basically covers the Terminal’s, hotel and expressway approaches to the airport in which maneuverability is an important asset which the larger and bulkier double rear axle engines don’t provide as well as a smaller rig can provide.
The larger double axle engines make more sense at Rescue Stations 1 (Tower Ladder 63) 2 (Engine 10) and 4’s (Battalion 6 and 659) because they are out in the field adjacent to the runways where they can better serve as Crash Pumpers with their additional tank capacity and they don’t have as many tight spaces to maneuver around.
#12 by Pat on October 10, 2011 - 3:27 PM
Are you saying that CFD is ordering a Pierce Quantum? I would think that they are too big for the cities needs. Especially with the fold down doors, for rigs that go on 3000 calls a year by themselves, mechanical doors are probably not a good idea.
#13 by Dennis on October 10, 2011 - 11:36 AM
Was at Truck 50 yesterday and they were still in the 2000 E-One, Should be about 2 weeks before they get the Crimson.
#14 by shaan smith on October 10, 2011 - 9:32 AM
hi i am shaan smith we should have a pierce quantum for chicago fire department, we should also have a new spartan crimson ladder for chicago fire department at ohare
#15 by Karl on October 9, 2011 - 7:23 PM
It appears that the new O’Hare engine will be quite a bit smaller then the current E9 and E10 as it’s on a single rear axle.
#16 by Bill Post on October 9, 2011 - 3:20 AM
Thanks for the information Dennis and J that’s good to hear.
As a matter of historical information from July 1964 to mid July 1965 Engine 89 and Truck 56’s station was temporarily running as a double Engine company station. When Engine 124’s old station had been torn down to build their current one Engine 124 was assigned to Engine 89’s house with Truck 56 using Truck 38’s 1944 Pirsch Tillered Aerial with Engine 124 parked right in front of Truck 56 in the West Bay of the station. The 1944 Pirsch was using a modified (but operable) 70 foot wooden aerial which had been shortened due to an accident several years earlier while Truck 56’s previously assigned rig’s (1925 vintage) Ladder was inoperable and had been “bolted down”.
#17 by John on October 7, 2011 - 10:30 PM
56 has their new truck, drove past yesterday and it was in the right bay all the way to the back
#18 by Dennis on October 7, 2011 - 1:51 PM
Bill, It’s not a matter of adjusting Truck 56’s door, it’s a matter tearing the kitchen out of the back and making the rig fit. It’s too long for the bay.
#19 by Jacob on October 6, 2011 - 8:35 PM
whats 51 running with and since 51 is getting a new rig does that mean that they have replaced all the seagrave trucks and are replacing the e-ones now
#20 by Bill Post on October 6, 2011 - 8:19 PM
As of a little over a week ago Truck 56 was still using their 1996 Seagrave. I really don’t know if they are modifying the bay doors of their Station to accommodate the new Spartan Crimson or if the department has just decided to reassign their rig to another company.
#21 by Dennis McGuire Jr on October 6, 2011 - 5:17 PM
Was at Engine 63 for EMS training this morning and Truck 50 was there with their current E-One and also had their new Crimson. Not sure if they were switching rigs there or what. Truck 62 got Truck 51’s old Crimson about two weeks ago.