Bill Friedrich informs us that the Newport FPD in Lake County has purchased a 1985 Mack MR/Saulsbury, walk-in, heavy rescue with a mid-ship mounted, 8-ton, 33-foot, National Crane from the Lutherville Volunteer Fire Company in Baltimore County, MD. The unit is not yet in Illinois, but reportedly will be soon. Lutherville’s apparatus are painted white with gold striping and a black band along the bottom. Lutherville replaced this squad in 2008 with a Pierce Velocity, tandem axle, walk-around, heavy rescue with a 10-ton National Crane.

The Lutherville Vol Fire Company in Baltimore County, MD ran this 1985 Mack MR/Saulsbury heavy rescue as Squad 303 until it was replaced in 2008. Larry Shapiro photo

Lutherville Squad 303 demonstrates the capability of the crane to stabilize or lift a vehicle to assist with an extrication. Larry Shapiro photo from the book Cranes in Action, MBI Publishing

The Lutherville Vol Fire Co in Baltimore County MD put this Pierce Velocity heavy rescue into service in 2008. Squad 303 has a mid-ship mounted 10-ton National Crane. Larry Shapiro photo
#1 by Chuck on January 9, 2015 - 8:06 PM
Lutherville always had a neat paint scheme, because both the gold stripe AND the bottom black paint were both reflective, if I remember right. Not to MENTION the fact it’s a freacking MACK!!
#2 by Clarence Bennett on January 9, 2015 - 11:42 AM
The South Carolina Fire Academy is developing a Basic Auto Extrication course and would like to use the photo of the Lutherville Vol Fire Department heavy rescue with crane in a power point slide
#3 by Admin on January 9, 2015 - 11:49 AM
we’ll pass your request on to the photographer
#4 by Alejandro on March 4, 2011 - 11:04 PM
I believe that it will be painted/lettered to match the existing fleet, lights to match too. I’ve also heard the possibility of a black over red paint scheme to match the Mack CF pumper.
#5 by charles on February 27, 2011 - 12:44 AM
is Newport going to paint this vehicle red and add red and blue lights to it?
#6 by Alejandro on January 20, 2011 - 12:43 PM
Newport has already had a crane truck for at least seven years now.
it will be used to combine two units, 1455 and 1456.
#7 by frank on January 18, 2011 - 8:18 PM
why does newport need a truck with a crane. also what purpose will this vehicle serve????