Images from Tim Olk of the 3-11 Alarm fire at 6308 S. Halsted (8-27-14).

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo
Aug 28
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire, Fire Scene photos | 5 Comments
Images from Tim Olk of the 3-11 Alarm fire at 6308 S. Halsted (8-27-14).
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tags: 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 55' Snorkel, 85' Snorkel, Chicago FD Lt. Corey Hojek, Chicago FD Snorkel at fire scene, Chicago FD Squad 5, fire trucks at night fire scene, Gordon J. Nord Jr., night fire scene photos, Snorkel on a Seagrave chassis, Snorkel working at fire scene, Tim Olk
Jan 9
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | 2 Comments
This from Bob Wilson & Bill Schreiber:
2-11 alarm 12210 W. Joliet Rd. 03:15hours 1-8-14
Photos by Bob Wilson and Bill Schreiber
Photo by Bob Wilson and Bill Schreiber
Photo by Bob Wilson and Bill Schreiber
Photo by Bob Wilson and Bill Schreiber
Photo by Bob Wilson and Bill Schreiber
Photo by Bob Wilson and Bill Schreiber
Tags: 50' Snorkel on a Seagrave chassis, Bill Schreiber, Bob Wilson, Peotone FD Snorkel, Peotone Fire Department, Snorkel aerial working at fire scene, Snorkel on a Seagrave chassis, winter fire scene images, winter fire scene photos
Jul 13
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire, Fire Service Photos | Comments off
Images from Dennis McGuire, Jr. from the 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago on July 1st.
Tower Ladder 37 working. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Roof has collaspsed. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Tower 37 working. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Two lines on the fire in Sector 1. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Tower 37 and Tower 39 working. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Heavy smoke is seen in the 2nd floor. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
2nd floor lights up. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Squad 5 working the Snorkel. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Something not seen often is 2 Snorkels and w tower ladders all working. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Truck Co. 15 was the 2nd truck to the fire. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Getting a handle on it now. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Tower 39, the reserve Snorkel, and Tower 37 all flowing master streams. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Fire under control. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
For a short time a multi-versel was set up in the street. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Tags: 102'' LTI tower ladder, 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 85' Snorkel, Chicago Engine 45, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Snorkel Squad, Chicago Snorkel works at commercial fire, Chicago Tower Ladder 39, commercial building fire in Chicago at night, Dennis McGuire Jr., elevated master streams work at extra alarm fire, heavy flames and fire from commercial building, LTI tower ladder at Chicago fire, LTI tower ladder working at fire, multiple master streams working at fire, photo of Snorkel working at huge fire, Seagrave Snorkel, Snorkel aerial working at fire scene, Snorkel fire truck at big fire, Snorkel on a Seagrave chassis
Jul 4
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire, Fire Service Photos, Fire Truck photos | 1 Comment
More from Steve Redick on the 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago on 7-1-13:
After a lengthy period it was determined to shut down the master streams and let the fire consume the roof area to provide for better access.This happened in some photographically good fashion, and there was a sudden collapse of the aformentioned truss add on. I didn’t capture the collapse but the sharp eye will notice the before and after shots. The reserve snorkel was called for and put to work, always an interesting event to photograph. A 3-11 was requested at this point due to no companies left in staging. I suspect none were used. Shot another pano and as Denny McGuire pointed out it was unique to see 2 snorkels and 2 towers (both HME) operating at the same time. I left the scene shortly thereafter and was treated with a view of eng 1 arriving at it’s change to engine 16’s new quarters 53 e Pershing … didn’t shoot it though. Hope you found the photos and video interesting.
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
More images from this fire can be seen HERE.
Tags: 102'' LTI tower ladder, 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 85' Snorkel, Chicago Engine 45, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Snorkel Squad, Chicago Snorkel works at commercial fire, Chicago Tower Ladder 39, commercial building fire in Chicago at night, elevated master streams work at extra alarm fire, heavy flames and fire from commercial building, LTI tower ladder at Chicago fire, LTI tower ladder working at fire, multiple master streams working at fire, photo of Snorkel working at huge fire, Seagrave Snorkel, Snorkel aerial working at fire scene, Snorkel fire truck at big fire, Snorkel on a Seagrave chassis, Steve Redick
Jan 24
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire, Fire Service News, Fire Truck photos | Comments off
More images from the 5-11 and subsequent days of follow-up
These from Josh Boyajian:
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Tags: Chicago reserve Snorkel 6-6-1, Chicago Snorkel works at commercial fire, Josh Boyajian, massive warehouse fire in Chicago, ruins of massive warehouse fire in Chicago, Snorkel on a Seagrave chassis, Snorkels in the Chicago Fire Department
Dec 30
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire, Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos, Firefighters working | Comments off
Second article about the 4-11 Alarm fire on Saturday at 2444 W. 21st Place in Chicago.
Images from Larry Shapiro who arrived at the scene well after all of the other contributors in the first article.
After the roof and upper floors collapsed, heavy fire was concentrated in the ground floor. Larry Shapiro photo
Engine 26 was at the corner of 21st Street and Western Avenue. Larry Shapiro photo
Thick black smoke clouds the sky as the fire burns a section of the roof at the east end of the fire building several hours into the fire. Larry Shapiro photo
Engine 28, a 1997 HME Luverne supplies Engine 103 from the 2300 block of Cullerton Street. Larry Shapiro photo
Engines 18 and 5 pump in-line to supply master streams from Sector 3 off Cullerton Street. Larry SHapiro photo
Engine 35 is feeding Tower Ladder 10 on Western Avenue. Larry Shapiro photo
Firefighters drag a line to put a multi-versal into operation in Sector 3. Larry Shapiro photo
Tower Ladder 39, in Sector 3, awaits water to put their master stream to work. Larry Shapiro photo
6-6-1, the reserve Snorkel housed with Engine 35, was special called to the scene almost immediately. Larry Shapiro photo
Command Van 2-7-1 is setup on Western Avenue. Larry Shapiro photo
The gas company brought a crew to the scene to dig under the street in order to shut down the gas to the building. Seen among the ruins in Sector 1, a gas fed fire burns freely. Larry Shapiro photo
Larry has a gallery of images HERE.
Tags: 4-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 4-11 fire in commercial building, Chicago Command Van 2-7-1, Chicago Command Van 271, Chicago Engine 26, Chicago Engine 28, Chicago Engine 38, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Fire Department Snorkel Squad 1, Chicago Fire Department warehouse fire video, Chicago reserve Snorkel 6-6-1, Chicago Snorkel Squad, Chicago Snorkel Squads, Chicago Snorkel works at commercial fire, Chicago Tower Ladder 10, Chicago Tower Ladder 54, elevated master stream, elevated master stream used to fight fire, elevated master streams work at extra alarm fire, firemen in tower ladder with fire, Larry Shapiro, LTI tower ladder at Chicago fire, massive fire at 2444 W. 21st Street in Chicago, Snorkel on a Seagrave chassis, tower ladder working at fire, tower ladder working at fire scene
Dec 30
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire, Fire Service News, Fire Truck photos, Firefighters working, Firefighting Video | 4 Comments
Commercial fire today at 2441 W. 21st Street came in after 1PM. First units found a three-story, brick, commercial factory/warehouse well involved. The alarms quickly escalated to a 4-11 with an EMS Plan I and a Haz Mat Level I. The building was bounded on the west by railroad tracks and on the north by the elevated CTA tracks which were shut down for several hours. The EMS Plan was secured quickly and the 4-11 wasn’t struck out until roughly 4PM. Some companies remained on the scene throughout the night.
Two Snorkels (Squad 1 and the reserve Snorkel) were working along with four tower ladders (5, 10, 39 & 54).
We have a large amount of coverage from multiple contributors which will be posted in several posts tonight and tomorrow.
This from Josh Boyajian:
Even though I’m not at the scene, thought I would share these pics from Laramie and Ogden in Cicero of the header!
The header as seen from Cicero. Josh Boyajian photo
Chicago 4-11 Alarm fire at 2444 W. 21st Street 12-29-12 as seen from Cicero, IL. Josh Boyajian photo
This from Erick Haak:
Not much of a description needed other than the last photo is just as the wall collapsed. Photos credited to Eric Haak.
Chicago Tower Ladder 54 working on 21st Street with a master Stream. Eric Haak photo
Phenomenal fire in Sector 1 at the Chicago 4-11 Alarm fire at 2444 W. 21st Street 12-29-12. Eric Haak photo
The wall collapse in Sector 1 as seen from the west end of 21st Street. Eric Haak photo
The front wall collapses onto 21st Street at the 4-11 Alarm fire 12-29-12. Eric Haak photo
Hi my name is Dylan Konchan i got pics from the 4-11 alarm at 2441 W 21st there will be more to come by me
The west end of the structure as fire burns through the roof as seen from the north (Sector 3). Dylan Konchan photo
The reserve Snorkel enters the lot behind the building in Sector 3 as heavy fire burns through the roof. Dylan Konchan photo
The reserve Snorkel (6-6-1) moves into position to go to work. Dylan Konchan photo
The reserve Snorkel is ready to work as an elevated master stream in Sector 3. Dylan Konchan photo
A glimpse of the heavy fire and thick smoke in Sector 3. Dylan Konchan photo
Hey everyone,I just took the ride into the City to check out the 4-11 with Level 1 Haz-Mat and EMS Plan 1 at 2444 W 21st Street. The header was huge, I saw it all the way in Berwyn on Ogden Avenue. When I got in the neighborhood of the fire, the Chicago Police had set a four block perimeter all around the fire building preventing any closeups of the scene. Staging is at 22nd and Western I believe. Traffic was really bad as one could have guessed. Here are some shots of the header and Engine 113 which was screaming down 22nd Street. Keep up the good work on the site guys!From,Drew Gresik
The header as seen from Berwyn. Drew Gresik photo
Heavy smoke seen from nearby. Drew Gresik photo
Large header as seen while driving to the fire. Drew Gresik photo
Engine 113 nearing the scene of the 4-11 Alarm fire on Deember 29, 2012. Drew Gresik photo
Flames and heavy smoke seen from several blocks away. Drew Gresik photo
Chicago 2444 w 21st St today…Mill Constructed furniture warehouse…a quick photo and a link to my video with radio traffic. Lot’s more to come…stay tuned…..
Firestorm conditions with heavy wind, intense flames and thick smoke in Sector 1 of the 4-11 Alarm fire at 2444 W. 21st Street in Chicago. Steve Redick photo
This from Dave Weaver:
Anatomy of the 4-11: 13:08 E23 looking for rubbish 2500 W. Cullerton St. / Full Still b/o Main FAO for 2444 W. 21st St. » 13:13 Still & Box Alarm b/o Batt 4 for 3 story 200×100 smoke on 2nd fl and heavy smoke from several 1st fl windows » 13:20 2-11 Alarm b/o 2-2-1 reports heavy fire throughout 3 story warehouse 200×150 » Companies go defensive » Batt 2 requests CTA Pink Line be shut down » 13:31 2-2-1 requests additional TL and reserve snorkel » Corrected size-up by 2-2-1 is at least 300×150 » 13:38 3-11 Alarm b/o 2-1-28 plus 2 additional TLs » 13:45 4-11 Alarm / EMS Plan 1 / Level 1 HazMat b/o 2-1-28 » 13:58 2-7-1/Batt 4 4 master streams on West side of building making little progress » 14:00 EMS Plan 1 secured b/o 2-1-28 » 14:04 2-1-3 in command / All officers switch to Ch 5 Command » 14:30 2-7-1/2-1-3 11 master streams working, gas company digging in Sector 1 to shut off main, 1 line to sprinkler system in Sector 4
Radio traffic:
Tags: 4-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 4-11 fire in commercial building, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Fire Department Snorkel Squad 1, Chicago Fire Department warehouse fire video, Chicago Snorkel Squad, Chicago Snorkel Squads, Chicago Snorkel works at commercial fire, Chicago Tower Ladder 10, Chicago Tower Ladder 54, Dave Weaver, Dylan Konchan, elevated master stream, elevated master stream used to fight fire, elevated master streams work at extra alarm fire, Eric Haak, fire sene video, firemen in tower ladder with fire, Josh Boyajian, LTI tower ladder at Chicago fire, massive fire at 2444 W. 21st Street in Chicago, radioman 911, Snorkel on a Seagrave chassis, Steve Redick, tower ladder working at fire, tower ladder working at fire scene, video of Snorkel fighting large fire
Bill Friedrich provided the following information about the Peotone Fire Protection District
Fire Chief Bill Schreiber is pleased to announce the arrival of his newest vehicle in the fleet. They purchased this vehicle from the Normal FD in McLean County. Bill expects this vehicle to go in service some time during November. He also reports this vehicle is not replacing anything.
Peotone purchased this 1979 Seagrave P-Series 50' Snorkel from the Normal Fire Department in central Illinois. It has a 1,250-GPM pump and carries 500 gallons of water. The cab enclosure and other bodywork was done by RPI in Tipton, IN. Bill Friedrich photo
Prior to the refurb and cab enclosure, this is how the Snorkel looked originally. Bill Friedrich photo
The Snorkel when it arrived in Peotone. Bill Schreiber photo
Members of the Peotone Fire Protection District tested their 'new' Snorkel. Bill Schreiber photo
Another view of the 'new' Snorkel being worked. Bill Schreiber photo
Tags: 50' Snorkel, Bill Friedrich, Normal Fire Department, Peotone Fire Chief Bill Schreiber, Peotone Fire Department, Seagrave Snorkel, Snorkel, Snorkel on a Seagrave chassis, used Snorkel
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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