Jeff Rudolph submitted images from a response in Skokie this week and provided the following description:
08/30/11 – 1500hrs; 7700 blk. of Kilbourn
Came in as a report of a child pinned under a vehicle. Skokie dispatched a full extrication assignment of 2 engines, a truck, the squad, an ambulance, and B/C. On arrival, Engine 16 determined it was not in fact a child, but an adult male ( who was slightly intoxicated ) . He had jacked up one side of his car and slid under to make some repairs to his exhaust. He got himself wedged under the exhaust, and his buddy ( who was slightly intoxicated ) attempted to help, but only made matters worse. When Squad 18 arrived, they chocked the vehicle and used airbags to lift it off of him. He slid out with only some minor abrasions, did not want transport, and his exhaust was still in need of repair.

Skokie firefighters responded to a man trapped under a car in the 7700 block of Kilbourn. Jeff Rudolph photo

A man attempting to perform repairs underneath his car became stuck and needed the help of firefighters to get out. Jeff Rudolph photo

Firefighters used airbags to lift the car so they could remove get the man out. Jeff Rudolph photo

After the car was chocked and the rear was elevated with air bags, firefighters were able to assist the man out from underneath the car. Jeff Rudolpho photo

After being pulled free from the car, the man was not injured and refused transport to the hospital. Jeff Rudolph photo

Skokie Tower 16 was one of the companies dispatched tot he scene. Jeff Rudolph photo

Skokie Battalion 16. Jeff Rudolph photo
Jeff has more photos HERE.