From Steve Redick:
Box Alarm in Summit at 5532 Harlem

Steve Redick photo
Sep 25
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Truck photos | 12 Comments
From Steve Redick:
Box Alarm in Summit at 5532 Harlem
Steve Redick photo
Tags: Bedford Park FD Quint 704, Bedford Park FD Tower 709, Bedford Park Fire Department, Bridgeview FD Engine 416, Burbank FD Truck 206, Burbank Fire Department, Central Stickney Fire Protection District, Central Stickney FPD Truck 906, Chicago Ridge FD Quint 6504, North Palos FPD Battalion 8, North Palos FPD Truck 814, Oak Lawn FD Truck 3, Roberts Park FPD Engine 32, Steve Redick, Summit FD Engine 955, Summit Fire Department
Video from Larry Shapiro of the 4-Alarm fire in Justice, 12-30-18
Tags: 4-Alarm fire in Justice, Bedford Park FD, Bedford Park FD Tower Ladder 709, Bridgeview FD Engine 416, Chicago FD Engine 15,, Evergreen Park FD Command Unit, fire scene video, Larry Shapiro, Lyons FD Engine 1312, MABAS Division 21 Rehab UNit, New Seagrave Marauder II fire engine for the Roberts Park FPD, Orland Fire District Tower 1, Pierce aluminum tower ladder, Roberts Park Fire Protection District, Roberts Park FPD Engine 32, Seagrave Marauder engine at fire scene,, ShapPhoto on YouTube
Dec 31
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | 14 Comments
The Roberts Park FPD was called to 8701 W. 85th Place Sunday night (12/30/18) for fire in a 3rd floor apartment. They eventually elevated the incident to a 4-Alarm fire which gutted the top floor and caused extensive damage to the first and second floors. The fire was in the end section of three buildings separated by firewalls, and though fire did apparently get into one unit of the adjoining building, the remainder of that building plus the end building were saved. Elevated master streams from Bedford Park, Pleasantview, and Evergreen Park trucks on two sides of the building operated for several hours in addition to multiple large lines from the ground and deck guns from Roberts Park and Bridgeview engines.
An incomplete list of units at the scene represented Roberts Park, Bridgeview, Lemont, North Palos, Lyons, Palos Heights, Crestwood, Orland, Pleasantview, Alsip, Evergreen Park, Bedford Park, Central Stickney, Chicago Ridge, Summit, Oak Lawn, and Chicago.
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Tags: 4-Alarm fire in Justice, Bedford Park FD, Bedford Park FD Tower Ladder 709, Bridgeview FD Engine 416, Chicago FD Engine 15, Evergreen Park FD Command Unit, fire scene photos, Larry Shapiro, Lyons FD Engine 1312, MABAS Division 21 Rehab UNit, New Seagrave Marauder II fire engine for the Roberts Park FPD, Orland Fire District Tower 1, Pierce aluminum tower ladder, Roberts Park Fire Protection District, Roberts Park FPD Engine 32, Seagrave Marauder engine at fire scene
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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