Karl Klotz submitted images showing all of Skokie’s engines:

Skokie Engine 16. Karl Klotz photo

Former Skokie Engine 17, now is the reserve engine. Karl Klotz photo

Skokie Engine 17. Karl Klotz photo

Skokie Engine 18. Karl Klotz photo
Karl Klotz submitted images showing all of Skokie’s engines:
Skokie Engine 16. Karl Klotz photo
Former Skokie Engine 17, now is the reserve engine. Karl Klotz photo
Skokie Engine 17. Karl Klotz photo
Skokie Engine 18. Karl Klotz photo
Tags: fire engine photos, fire engine pictures, fire truck photos, Karl Klotz, Pierce Dash CF PUC, Pierce Dash engine, Pierce Saber, Skokie Fire Department
Mar 26
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Service Photos, Fire Truck photos | Comments off
This from Steve Redick:
This is a place I very seldom get out to … I was halfway close so I took a ride. They were planning for something big I guess, but it was over when I arrived. I suspect some kind of machinery fire. I did manage to get some decent rig shots, and I experimented with a little fill flash too. I have never really seen the 2-piece Carol Stream Squad … kinda neat. The shots of the Lombard engine hooked up to the hydrant will make a good entry in my Suburban Rigs at Work Volume 2 someday …
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Tags: Addison Fire Department, Addison Fire District, Alexis Fire Apparatus, Alexis Fire Equipment, Carol Stream Fire Department, Carol Stream Fire District, Carol Stream Squad 27, fire engine photos, fire engine pictures, fire engine pumping at fire scene, Lombard Fire Department, Pierce Arrow XT, Pierce Dash engine, Pierce Dash tower ladder, Steve Redick, York Center Fire Protection District, York Center FPD
Dec 4
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Service News, Fire Truck photos | Comments off
Larry Shapiro photo
The Rutland Dundee Pierce Dash engine as it was delivered from the factory. Larry Shapiro
Tags: fire department donates engine to New Jersey town, fire department helps victim of super storm Sandy, Illinois fire engine heading to New Jersey, Larry Shapiro, Pierce Dash engine, Rutland Dundee FPD
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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