Posts Tagged Palatine

Lake Zurich 2nd alarm fire

The Lake Zurich Fire Department responded to a reported structure fire around 1AM this morning at 1025 Old McHenry Road. This address is perhaps 100 yards from their #3 fire station at 1075 Old McHenry Road. The first company found heavy fire on the east side of the 2-story building. The alarm was upgraded to a MABAS Box Alarm for additional manpower.  Later,  the fire was upgraded to a 2nd alarm for still more manpower to assist with the extensive overhaul that was required at this old house which had been remodeled multiple times. Securing a positive water supply was delayed slightly when the first hydrant the engine tried malfunctioned.

Lake Zurich house fire 11-8-10 1025 Old McHenry Road

Smoke pushes from the second floor of this old house at 1025 Old McHenry Road in Lake Zurich. Larry Shapiro photo

Lake Zurich house fire 11-8-10 1025 Old McHenry Road

Firefighters from Palatine Quint 81 work on the roof to attack the fire that inside companies can't get to. Larry Shapiro photo

A gallery of images from the scene can be seen HERE.

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New fire station for Palatine

The Daily Herald reported on July 14th that crews will break ground next month for a new fire station in Palatine.

Palatine Fire Department Station 81 rendering

An artist rendering of the new building for Palatine Station 81. Source; The Daily Herald

Palatine residents getting used to the police headquarters construction will soon notice hard hats at a second public safety-related work site.

Crews are expected to break ground within 30 to 45 days on a satellite fire station at 1215 N. Quentin Road, located at the corner of Echo Lane.

The village council on Monday unanimously approved a contract that sets the guaranteed maximum price for construction at $2.56 million. That factors in subcontractor bids, construction contingency, construction manager fee and bond cost.

When combined with planning, design, furnishings and other administrative costs, the total project is coming in at $2.98 million, or just under the $3 million budget.

The village’s burden could prove less if the state releases a $575,000 commitment to the project through its capital plan. Palatine isn’t counting on it and is prepared to secure funding through other means.

“We’re planning for the worst, meaning that we don’t get anything,” Village Manager Reid Ottesen said. “Realistically, I’d put it at a 50-50 chance right now.”

Next month, Palatine will initiate the first of two bond issues in order to fund both the fire station and the much larger $23 million police headquarters. The decision was made to secure funding in two phases, Ottesen said, because the buildings won’t be ready until next year and there’s no point in borrowing the full amount upfront just to pay interest on it.

Earlier this year, the 8,700-square-foot building’s design was scaled back to come in under budget. Changes were mostly cosmetic, though accommodations were reduced to change the maximum number of personnel from six to five firefighters.

The cost savings could be partly erased if the village doesn’t agree to waive its automatic sprinkler requirement in the noncombustible attic space.

The satellite fire station should be operational by March or April. The Dundee Road station will close, and the Masonic Lodge will take over the space.

Fire officials say the new station is necessary in order to improve response times to west and northwest Palatine compared to the current station.

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Division 1 site updates

Several weeks ago there was a large commercial fire in Palatine at the WINGS Resale Shop. While photographing the fire scene, Larry Shapiro was able to capture a few rigs on-scene that were needed to fill in missing spots for Palatine and Rolling Meadows. Those units have now been added to the site.

Rolling Meadows Fire Department ambulance 16

Palatine EONE Cyclone Engine 82 at commercial fire

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updates coming soon!

It’s been several days since there has been a new posting to the site, but travel and other duties have grabbed all of the available time. Within the next few days though, several updates will be completed. Contributors have been busy photographing apparatus and it takes a bit of time to collate everything and place all the images into the proper spots.  Here though is some of what is coming:

  • Jack Connors has submitted several CFD updates as well as the Mundelein Fire Department apparatus
Mundelein FD Pierce Saber engine

Pierce Saber engine in Mundelein. Photo by Jack Connors

  • Karl Klotz has sent some updated CFD apparatus images plus he has updated photos of several CFD houses
Chicago Fire Department engine 45 station

Engine 45's house with current red doors. Photo by Karl Klotz

  • Hank, Karl, Bill and Larry (along with George Reichardt and Jeff Schielke) visited all 10 Naperville stations last week and the entire department will be updated and completed by the end of this week
Naperville FD Spartan Crimson aerial

One of two 2009 Spartan Crimson 103' rear mount quints in Naperville. Photo by Larry Shapiro

  • Larry has several Palatine and Rolling Meadows apparatus shots that are missing from the site. These were taken on-scene at a large commercial fire last Friday
Palatine FD Squad 85R Ford Excellance

Palatine Fire Department reserve squad 85 is a 1999 Ford Excellance. Larry Shapiro photo

Palatine FD EONE Engine 82 at Wings Resale Shop fire

Engine 82 is a 2000 EONE 1500 GPM pumper. Larry Shapiro photo

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Palatine updated

Four apparatus images have been added or updated in the Palatine Fire Department pages in Division 1. Over a year ago, the Palatine stations and apparatus were renumbered through Northwest Central Dispatch from the ‘high teens’ and ‘low twenties’ to the ‘eighties’; stations now are 81-85. Some of the photos that were posted to the site had or still have the old numbers. Ambulance 81 and Dive Squad 81 were just added as well as a new image of Squad 85, formerly Squad 18. There is also a new image of Engine 84.

Palatine Fire Department Engine 84 Spartan Crimson

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4 more departments in Division 1 are online

The following departments in Division 1 have been added:

Schaumburg (5 stations with only 2 rigs missing)

Palatine Rural (complete)

Palatine (5 stations with several rigs to catch up on)

Hoffman Estates (2 of the 4 stations are posted … missing a patch and a few rigs)

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