Posts Tagged Niles FD Engine 2

New engine for Niles FD (more)

From the Pierce Flickr site:

Pierce, Niles FD, IL, 38917-1; #FireTruck; #Pirece; #Enforcer; #PUC; #pumper; #NilesFD;

Pierce composite

thanks Martin

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New engine for Niles FD (more)

From RB:

Sneek peek – 38917 Niles 1st Enforcer; #FireTruck; #Pierce; #PUC; #Enforcer; #NilesFD;; #FireTruck; #Pierce; #PUC; #Enforcer; #NilesFD;

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New engine for Niles FD (more)

Completed photos of the new engine for Niles FD

Niles Engine 2; #FireTruck; #Pierce; #PUC; #Enforcer; #NilesFD;

Josh Boyajian photo; #FireTruck; #Pierce; #PUC; #Enforcer; #NilesFD;

Josh Boyajian photo

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House fire in Park Ridge, 2-25-20

This from Steve Redick:

Took this job in Tuesday afternoon. I arrived about 10 minutes in and it was all but over. It appears they had quite a volume of fire but were able to knock it down very quickly. If you notice the Niles engine and tower ladder were set up for master stream operations but not used. The first-in Park Ridge quint was heavily damaged in a previous fire and I believe the ladder is out of service. I think it’s running without the aerial being used.
aftermath of house fire

Steve Redick photo

Firefighters stand by at house fire

Steve Redick photo

Pierce Dash CF PUC tower ladder

Steve Redick photo

E-ONE tower ladder at fire scene

Steve Redick photo

aftermath of house fire

Steve Redick photo

Pierce Dash CF PUC fire engine

Steve Redick photo

Pierce tower ladder

Steve Redick photo

pierce Enforcer fire engine

Steve Redick photo

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New engine for Niles (more)

From the Pierce Flickr page:

Pierce Village of Niles, IL 33337

Pierce Dash CF PUC engine

Pierce composite

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House fire in Niles, 7-18-19

Audio Player

Excerpts from the

Niles firefighters suspect a lightning strike as the cause of a fire in a home in the 8300 block of Ballard Road Thursday morning (July 18). Residents in the home heard a loud bang, followed by lights flickering. The lightning strike ignited the fire in a small void space between the home’s vaulted ceilings and the roof itself. Firefighters used pike poles to pull down sections of ceiling to expose and extinguish the flames. 

All residents evacuated safely, there were no injuries, and the fire was extinguished within about 20 minutes.

Pierce Dash CF PUC tower ladder

Steve Redick photo

Pierce Arrow XT tower ladder

Steve Redick photo

Niles FD Firefighter James Leibach

Steve Redick photo

house fire scene

Steve Redick photo

Pierce Dash CF PUC fire trucks

Steve Redick photo

Smeal quint

Steve Redick photo

roof ladder on house after a fire

Steve Redick photo

Pierce Dash CF PUC fire engine

Steve Redick photo

Pierce Dash CF PUC tower ladder

Steve Redick photo

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Working fire in Niles, 3-10-17

This from Steve Redick:

This was an auto inside a detail shop  at 8821 N. Milwaukee Avenue in Niles … not much to see firewise but a few decent rig shots. Both of Niles’ new pumpers as well as their newer tower and Morton Grove’s newest engine
Des Plaines FD Tower Ladder 61

Steve Redick photo

Niles FD Tower 2

Steve Redick photo

Niles FD Engine 3

Steve Redick photo

North Maine FPD Engine 1

Steve Redick photo

Morton Grove D Engine 5

Steve Redick photo

fire trucks at night fire scene

Steve Redick photo

Niles FD Engine 2

Steve Redick photo

aftermath of car repair shop fire

Steve Redick photo

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