Posts Tagged Mundelein FIre Department

Fatal house fire in Mundelein, 3-2-25 (more)

Excerpts from

The Mundelein Fire Department responded to a fire in the 1200-block of Huntington Drive around 5:30 p.m. on Sunday.

Officials originally said the elderly woman was suspected missing, but on Monday, the fire department confirmed the woman’s body was found in a second-floor bedroom. They said that getting into the house was difficult due to the hoarding conditions as there were piles of items that were up to five feet high throughout the house, including the stairs.

“Upon arrival, the front door could only be opened 5 to 6 inches and had to be removed off its hinges,” officials said.

The house had no central heating. Investigators found space heaters and propane powered camping type heaters.


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House fire in Mundelein, 3-2-25 (more)

A few more images from the House fire in Mundelein, 3-2-25 of the later stages of operations;;; #larryshapiro; #MundeleinFD; #housefirescene; #FireTruck; #LibertyvilleFD; #Pierce; #Enforcer;

Larry Shapiro photo;;; #larryshapiro; #MundeleinFD; #housefirescene;

Larry Shapiro photo;;; #larryshapiro; #MundeleinFD; #housefirescene; #FireTruck; #quint; #Sutphen;

Larry Shapiro photo;;; #larryshapiro; #MundeleinFD; #housefirescene; #overhaul;

Larry Shapiro photo

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House fire in Mundelein, 3-2-25

Mundelein firefighters and mutual aid companies were sent to a duplex at 1283 Huntington Drive early Sunday evening for afire. Upon arrival they had smoke showing from a two-story frame duplex unit with the whereabouts of a resident unknown. There was heavy fire in a second floor bedroom. Firefighters encountered hoarder conditions inside which hampered efforts for a thorough search. The alarm was upgraded to a MABAS Box Alarm for additional personnel.

The fire was extinguished within a half hour and companies began extensive overhaul. Libertyville Engine 462 and Mundelein quint 432 were both on hydrants.; #MundeleinFD; #housefire; #JimmyBOlf; #firefighters; #heavysmoke;

Jimmy Bolf photo; #MundeleinFD; #housefire; #JimmyBOlf; #firetruck; #heavysmoke;

Jimmy Bolf photo; #MundeleinFD; #housefire; #JimmyBOlf;  #heavysmoke;

Jimmy Bolf photo; #MundeleinFD; #housefire; #JimmyBOlf; #firefighters; #heavysmoke;

Jimmy Bolf photo; #MundeleinFD; #housefire; #JimmyBOlf; #firefighters; #heavysmoke;

Jimmy Bolf photo

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Building Collapse in Mundelein, 2-27-24

From Jimmy Bolf:

Mundelein, IL Building Collapse 2/27/24; #JimmyBolf; #buildingcollapse; #stormdamage;

Jimmy Bolf photo; #JimmyBolf; #disaster; #RedCross; #Mundlein;

Jimmy Bolf photo; #JimmyBolf; #MundeleinPD; #SUV;

Jimmy Bolf photo; #JimmyBolf; #buildingcollapse; #stormdamage;

Jimmy Bolf photo; #JimmyBolf; #RundLakeFPD; #LTI; #Duplex; #RundLakeFPD;

Jimmy Bolf photo; #JimmyBolf; #buildingcollapse; #stormdamage;

Jimmy Bolf photo

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House fire in Mundelein, 1-13-24

From Jimmy Bolf:

Mundelein, IL House Fire 1/13/24; #MudeleinFD; #housefire; #JimmyBolf;

Jimmy Bolf photo

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New ambulance for Mundelein FD

From;; #MundeleinFD; #ambulance; #FosterCoachSales; #Horton;

Foster Coach Sales photo; #MundeleinFD; #ambulance; #FosterCoachSales; #Horton;

Foster Coach Sales photo

thanks Martin

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Commercial fire in Mundelein, 5-22-22

From Jimmy Golf:

Mundelein Box Alarm 5/22/22; #Firefighters; #JimmyBolf;

Jimmy Golf photo; #Firefighters; #JimmyBolf;

Jimmy Golf photo; #Firefighters; #JimmyBolf;

Jimmy Golf photo; #Firefighters; #JimmyBolf;

Jimmy Golf photo; #Firefighters; #JimmyBolf;

Jimmy Golf photo

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Box Alarm fire in Mundelein, 9-2-20 (more)

More from the Box Alarm fire in Mundelein, 9-2-20

Mundelein Fire Department press release

click to download 



flames from roof of a strip mall

Steve Redick photo

Firefighters battle fire at strip mall

Steve Redick photo

Firefighters battle fire at strip mall

Steve Redick photo

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Box Alarm fire in Mundelein, 9-2-20

Mundelein firefighters were dispatched for a commercial building fire on Wednesday afternoon at 839 S. Lake Street. The first arriving units had light smoke from the roof of a strip mall with a hze in the restaurant. The building was evacuated and the fire intensified. The alarm was upgraded to a Box Alarm for additional resources. Fire burned through the roof and the front overhang with signage eventually collapsed. The fire was held to one unit with damage to the restaurant next door. A ladder pipe was used for a short time after companies withdrew from the building.

Companies on the scene were from Mundelein, Countryside, Deerfield-Bannockburn, Lincolnshire-Riverwoods, Libertyville, Wauconda, Lake Forest, Buffalo Grove, Long Grove, Arlington Heights, and Lake Zurich.

fire destroys a Mundelein restaurant

DBFD photo

fire destroys a Mundelein restaurant

DBFD photo

fire destroys a Mundelein restaurant

DBFD photo

fire destroys a Mundelein restaurant

DBFD photo

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Mundelein Fire Department news

Excerpts from

Jet Blue, New York public transit, and others are using UV Light technology to help sanitize their spaces. UV technology is now part of the plan to slow the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses at the Mundelein Fire Department. They’ve installed a UV air disinfectant device in their bunk room that uses a fan to shoot air through intense ultraviolet light.  “We can’t just spray chemicals in a room and leave for three hours. We have to be able to live in these spaces. So, the UV technology was essential,” said Mundelein Fire Department Deputy Chief Darren Brents.

According to the CDC, the light works on the molecular level. It can damage germ DNA, making the germ itself inert. UV technology isn’t a replacement for surface cleaning, but part of a multi-pronged approach to stop the spread of the virus.

From the Mundelein Fire Department Facebook page:

On Friday, Mark Rivera from ABC7 came to Mundelein to discuss the steps we have taken to protect our firefighters during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our mitigation strategy involved equipping our personnel with the proper PPE, surface disinfection, and addressing air quality.

Air quality and the spread of viruses, mold, bacteria, and other pathogens in the air we breathe have not been publicly discussed. Recently, a chorus of scientists have concluded these and other viruses (influenzas, measles, etc.) are aerosolized and can remain in the air and travel significant distances. We proactively addressed this issue with the purchase of the Zone360 UV-C device to protect our first responders.

ABC7 reporter Mark Rivera graciously came to Mundelein to share our story with our community to help raise awareness.

tv interview in fire station

Mundelein FD photo

UV technology for prevention of the spread of germs in the fire house in bunk room

Mundelein FD photo

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