From Jimmy Bolf:
Round Lake Box Alarm 5/25/22

Jimmy Bolf photo

Jimmy Bolf photo

Jimmy Bolf photo

Jimmy Bolf photo

Jimmy Bolf photo

Jimmy Bolf photo

Jimmy Bolf photo

Jimmy Bolf photo
From Jimmy Bolf:
Round Lake Box Alarm 5/25/22
Jimmy Bolf photo
Jimmy Bolf photo
Jimmy Bolf photo
Jimmy Bolf photo
Jimmy Bolf photo
Jimmy Bolf photo
Jimmy Bolf photo
Jimmy Bolf photo
Tags: fire scene photos, Greater Round Lake Fire Protection District, house fire in Round Lake, Jimmy Bolf
Apr 26
Posted by Admin in Fatal fire, Fire Department News | Comments off
Excerpts from
The Greater Round Lake Fire Protection District was dispatched to the 100 block of West Providence Lane in Round Lake for a report of a structure fire at 9:48 a.m. on Saturday morning after a neighbor saw dark colored smoke coming from the roof.
Firefighters entered the structure, a two-story duplex residence, and found a female occupant on the second floor. She was transported to Advocate Condell Medical Center, where she later died. Two dogs were rescued from the residence and one survived.
The fire appeared to originate on the first floor in the kitchen area. The Greater Round Lake Fire Prevention Bureau, in conjunction with the Round Lake Police Department and the Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal, is investigating the cause of the fire.
Tags: fatal fire in Round Lake, Greater Round Lake Fire Protection District
Jan 26
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | Comments off
Photos from Tim Olk of the 5-Alarm fire in Antioch, 1-26-22
Tim Olk photo
Tags: 5-Alarm fire in Antioch, Antioch FIre Department,,, fire scene photos, Firefighters work in frigid conditions, Fox Lake Fire Protection District, Greater Round Lake Fire Protection District
This from Jeff Rudolph:
05/30/21Round Lake pulled MABAS Box 26-1 to the box level on arrival at 37nW. Big Horn dr. in Hainesville. Crews found heavy fire in 1 unit of a 6 unit townhouse complex spreading to another unit. Master streams knocked down the bulk of the fire, and crews were able to make a stop on any further spread. Jeff Rudolph
Jeff Rudolph photo
Tags: Firefighters battle fire at night, Firefighters battle fire in a townhouse, Greater Round Lake Fire Protection District, Jeff Rudolph, night fire scene photos, silhouette of firefighters, townhouse fire in Hainesville
Excerpts from the
Voters Tuesday overwhelmingly supported the Greater Round Lake Fire Protection District’s request to borrow $4.5 million to modernize facilities and equipment. Now, the district is putting the money to use.
The district asked to borrow the money primarily to modernize and maintain fire stations. Among the concerns district officials hope to address is the outdated, inefficient layout of Station 1, which was built in 1946. Currently, the crew stays in a converted space on the second floor, far from the apparatus. They want to redesign the building so they can have the crew quarters next to the apparatus bay to speed up response times and eliminate a potentially dangerous middle-of-the-night rush from the beds to the trucks.
District officials had already hired an architect to help estimate the cost of the Station 1 plan. Now that the money is on its way they will form a committee and devise a plan. They will tackle projects that don’t involve construction first, including putting a new roof on Station 3 and upgrading the sleeping quarters in Station 2.
The district already has a head start on ordering a new truck funded by the $4.5 million. They went out to bid and, with voters’ approval, the work to custom build the truck will begin.
Tags: fire department seeks funding for capital improvements, Greater Round Lake Fire Protection District, voters approve fire district referendum
Excerpts from the
The Greater Round Lake Fire Protection District is asking voters to give them permission to borrow $4.5 million on Nov. 6.
Fire Station 1 is outdated which makes getting from the second-floor living space to the apparatus floor an unnecessarily long and potentially dangerous journey, according to Fire Chief Greg Formica. Station 1 was constructed in 1946 to be used by a small volunteer crew. In the 72 years since, the population of the 15-square-mile district has jumped to about 53,000 people.
Now a crew of 7 to 8 firefighters stay in the building 24 hours a day. Firefighters stays in a converted space on the second floor far from the trucks. While there is a fire pole, it isn’t in a good location so the firefighters use the stairs.
They would solve the issue by building a new living area on the first floor next to the apparatus bay. Other building issues that the borrowed money would address include leaky roofs and patchy parking lots at several district stations.
The district doesn’t have detailed plans drawn up yet, but they paid an architect to help estimate the cost of the Station 1 plan and other projects they hope to fund. They haven’t gone to voters for a referendum since 1979, and that was to provide ambulance service.
The Greater Round Lake Fire Protection District includes most or all of Round Lake, Round Lake Beach, Round Lake Heights, and Hainesville.
Tags: fire department seeks funding for capital improvements, Greater Round Lake Fire Protection District
Oct 2
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, New Apparatus Order | 2 Comments
The Greater Round Lake Fire Protection District has ordered a pumper from Custom Fab & Body with a Spartan Metro Star cab and chassis, a 1,250-gpm pump, and an 800-gallon water tank. Delivery in June 2019.
thanks Ron
Tags: Custom Fab and Body, Greater Round Lake Fire Protection District, new engine for Round Lake
Excerpts from the
U.S. Rep. Brad Schneider visited the Greater Round Lake FPD where two grants totaling over $600,000 through the Federal Emergency Management Agency were used to purchase an exhaust system and air packs for firefighters over the past two years.
Schneider is hosting a grant workshop May 14 with U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky and Sen. Tammy Duckworth.
The morning session will focus on grants available to local governments, primarily villages and cities, through a panel of grant professionals who will outline what kind of projects would qualify for grant funding.
Panelists will include representatives from FEMA, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Department of Transportation, Illinois Treasurer’s Office, Lake County Stormwater Management Commission, and more.
The afternoon session will focus on grants available to non-profits and individuals, with a panel of professionals from FEMA, the nonprofit organization Forefront, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA).
thanks Dan
Tags: Greater Round Lake Fire Protection District, upcoming grant workshop
This from Jeff Rudolph:
01/18/2018 – 222 W. North Channel dr.
A neighbor reported light smoke coming from a home just before noon. First company on scene reported heavy smoke, and found fire on the second floor. Battalion 26 requested a MABAS alarm to the box level. The fire was held to the second floor. No one was home at the time of the fire.
Jeff Rudolph
Jeff Rudolph photo
Jeff Rudolph photo
Jeff Rudolph photo
Jeff Rudolph photo
Jeff Rudolph photo
Jeff Rudolph photo
Tags: fire scene photos, Greater Round Lake Fire Protection District, house fire in Round Lake, Jeff Rudolph
Apr 17
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Truck photos | 1 Comment
Photos from Steve Redick of apparatus at the scene of a house fire at 4005 Illinois Street in Crystal Lake within the Nunda Rural FPD 4/14/17. A Box Alarm for tenders was called to provide a water supply.
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Tags: Algonquin-Lake in the Hills Fire Protection District, Cary FD tender, Crystal Lake Fire Department, Fox Lake Fire Protection District, Fox River Grove Fire Protection District, Grayslake Fire Protection District, Greater Round Lake Fire Protection District, house fire in rural Crystal Lake, McHenry Township Fire Protection District, Mundelein FIre Department, Nunda Rural Fire Protection District, rural water supply at house fire, Steve Redick, Union Fire Protection District
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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