The Antioch Fire Department recently took delivery of a new Freightliner M2106/Rosenbauer MP3 commercial pumper for Engine 3.

New unit for Antioch Engine 3. Freightliner/Rosenbauer. Tim Olk photo
Feb 3
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos, New Delivery | 3 Comments
The Antioch Fire Department recently took delivery of a new Freightliner M2106/Rosenbauer MP3 commercial pumper for Engine 3.
New unit for Antioch Engine 3. Freightliner/Rosenbauer. Tim Olk photo
Tags: Antioch FIre Department, Freightliner M2 106 fire truck, new fire engine for Antioch, new Rosenbauer engine for Antioch, Tim Olk
Mar 27
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos, New Delivery | 4 Comments
The Prospect Heights Fire District received their new Squad 9 this week. Larry Shapiro stopped by for some photos.
New Squad 9 by Alexis for the Prospect Heights Fire District on a Freightliner chassis. Larry Shapiro photo
Alexis production tag. Larry Shapiro photo
Freightliner production tag. Larry Shapiro photo
Rear view of the new squad. Larry Shapiro photo
Crew area inside the body. Larry Shapiro photo
Waterous production tag. Larry Shapiro photo
Squad 9 has a 1,000GPM pump with 500 gallons of water, and 30 gallons of foam. Larry Shapiro photo
Tags: Alexis Fire Equipment, Freightliner Business Class, Freightliner M2 106 fire truck, freigtlinr, Larry Shapiro, new squad for Prospect Heights, Prospect Heights Fire Department, Prospect Heights Fire Department apparatus photos, Prospect Heights Fire District, Prospect Heights Fire Protection District, Prospect Heights squad being built by Alexis
Aug 6
Posted by bgshap in Apparatus on-scene, Fire, Fire Department News, Reader submission | Comments off
Stephen Wilcox submitted yet another recent house fire from Dupage County, this time in Lisle. Stephen submitted several images and commentary;
This box alarm was in an unhydranted area in the north end of Lisle’s district. Typically, the weather was hot and humid. No one home at the time of the fire (1115 hours on 7/1/11) may have contributed to a response delay. Structure was one story “L” shaped, about 40″X80″ ordinary, located on Red Oak. Command also called a box for tankers.
"D" side on my arrival, also the area of ignition. Stephen Wilcox photo
"A" side upon arrival of companies. Stephen Wilcox photo
"A" side, members are moving hose lines into position. Stephen Wilcox photo
The fire is moving rapidly from the "C-D" corner towards "B". Notice fire starting to show in the window as we go by. Stephen Wilcox photo
Same window a few moments later, a bit closer of a look. Stephen Wilcox photo
The rear at the height of the fire fight. Stephen Wilcox photo
Heavy fire vents from the "B" side as a line can be seen that was stretched to the rear. Stephen Wilcox photo
Another view shows fire burning through the roof. Stephen Wilcox photo
Lisle firefighters use a 2-1/2 in the front as they darken down the interior fire. Stephen Wilcox photo
Members have a 2-1/2 with water and are making what progress they can, keeping in mind the defensive attack, collapse zone, etc. Stephen Wilcox photo
Winfield Tender 614 was called to the scene since the area was without hydrants. Stephen Wilcox photo
York Center FPD Tender 76 was also due on the tanker box. The tenders were utilized 'in-line' to supply water to the pumping engines. Stephen Wilcox photo
The newest engine in Lisle, Engine 511, is shown here pumping at it's first working fire. Stephen Wilcox photo
Tags: firefighters preparing to fight fire, Freightliner M2 106 fire truck, fully involved house fire, house fire non-hydranted area, house fully engulfed in fire, house fully involved in fire, in-line pumping operations, Lisle house fire, Lisle house fire on Red Oak, Lisle-Woodridge Fire Protection District, Lisle-Woodridge FPD, Pierce Arrow XT, Pierce Impel pumper, Pierce PUC, pumper tanker, pumper/tanker, Stephen Wilcox, US Tank, US Tanker, Winfield Fire Protection District, York Center Fire Protection District. York Center FPD Tender 76
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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