Posts Tagged fire department closes

Custer Park Fire Department closing down

This from Karl Klotz:

I rec’d limited information today in MABAS Division 15, the Custer Park Fire Dept will cease to exist.
Effective today, the Braidwood Volunteer Fire Department has “officially” assumed total responsibility for the Custer Park Fire Protection District. Braidwood will answer all calls within the Custer Park Fire District.

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Gardner Fire Department in Grundy County forced to close has an article about the Gardner Fire Protection District in Grundy County being shutdown by a judge.

 THE GARDNER VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT in Gardner, Illinois, is no more after a Grundy County judge ordered them to cease operations.  The Gardner Fire Protection District is responsible for providing fire and ems services to a large area and had been contracting fire and ambulance service to the GVFD to cover the town and immediate area.

Last week the judge ordered the sheriff to seize all the property of the VFD and return it to the FPD.  On Monday a moving crew showed up at the firehouse and removed all the property including the emergency vehicles, furnishings, fire equipment, running gear, etc.  Everything except the real estate was transferred over to the FPD.

Despite the volunteer’s claim that it will now take ten minutes for a fire engine to arrive, the fire protection district had already prepared to maintain coverage in the town by transferring fire apparatus and an ambulance from other areas into a temporary facility set up at the town hall.  Many of the Gardner volunteers have been accepted onto the rolls of the district.

Read the entire article HERE which includes a video from WBBM-TV Ch. 2 Chicago.



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