Josh Boyajian photo

Josh Boyajian photo

Josh Boyajian photo

Steve Redick photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Steve Redick photo
Tags: E-ONE Cyclone engine, fire truck photos, Josh Boyajian, Pierce Dash CF engine, Roselle Fire Department, Roselle Fire Protection District, Roselle fire trucks, Steve Redick
Sep 26
Posted by bgshap in Fire Truck photos, New Listing, Site News | 6 Comments
The Elmhurst Fire Department in MABAS Division 12 has been added to the site. Dennis McGuire, Jr. submitted the images. Elmhurst recently underwent a color change from their long standing white over school bus yellow with green striping to a more traditional white over red. They also changed from a E-ONE to Pierce.
EMS units are staffed by contract personnel while the fire suppression units have career firefighters.
Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Previously, Elmhurst had American LaFrance, Pierce, Mack, and Darley engines. The former aerials were both 100′ rear mounts from Pirsch.
1974 Hendrickson 1871S/Pierce Suburban engine with a 1,500-GPM pump and 500 gallons of water. Larry Shapiro photo
This 1000 Series American LaFrance engine was built in 1971 with a 1,250-GPM ump and 500 gallons of water. Larry Shapiro photo
Elmhurst Truck 1 was previously a 1978 Mack CF/Pirsch that was refurbished in 1992 by RPI. The 100′ rear-mount aerial had a 250-GPM PTO pump with 150 gallons of water. Larry Shapiro photo
Elmhurst Truck 2 used o have this 1981 Pirsch aerial ladder that was also refurbished by RPI in 1992. Larry Shapiro photo
Tags: American LaFrance 1000 Series engine, Dennis McGuire Jr., E-ONE Cyclone engine, Elmhurst Fire Department, Elmhurst Fire Department Mobile Incident Command Unit, hendrickson 1871s fire truck chassis, MABAS Division 12, Mack CF Pirsch aerial, Peter Pirsch & Sons, Pierce, Pierce Impel pumper, Pirsch 100' aerial ladder truck, yellow fire trucks
Bill Friedrich informs us of two area departments that have sold older engines that are no longer in services.
This 1993 E-ONE Cyclone engine was recently sold and will be shipped to Argentina. Bill Friedrich photo
X-Flossmoor Engine 1320 was sold to the Soldier Township Fire Department in Kansas. Bill Friedrich photo
Both sales were handled by B&P Fire Apparatus.
Tags: Addison Fire Department, Addison Fire District, Bill Friedrich, E-ONE Cyclone engine, Flossmoor Fire Department, HME chassis, Luverne rescue pumper, Soldier Township Fire Department, used fire apparatus sold
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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