Posts Tagged Cicero Fire Department

New ladder for Cicero

This from Josh Boyajian:

Here are a few shots of Cicero’s new Truck 1 being built at Pierce. It’ll be a 2015 Pierce Dash CF PUC 100′ medium-duty

ladder truck.  Should be done by the end of the month.

(Pierce Pictures)

fire truck being built

New ladder truck being built for Cicero Truck 1. Pierce photo

fire truck being built

Pierce photo

fire truck being built

Pierce photo

fire truck being built

Pierce photo

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Cicero Full Still at Morton East High School, 10-26-15

This from Josh Boyajian:

Cicero had a fire today (10/26/15) at Morton East High School in the 2400 blk of Austin. First-in companies found smoke on the 3rd and 4th floors. After a long and thorough search, they found a motor behind a wall on fire. Companies held it to that area and it didn’t extend any further. Here are some shots.

E-ONE fire trucks at fire scene

Josh Boyajian photo

E-ONE Cyclone II fire engine

Josh Boyajian photo

Cicero FD Seagrave ladder truck

Josh Boyajian photo

Cicero FD Dash CF PUC fire engine

Josh Boyajian photo

E-ONE fire trucks at fire scene

Josh Boyajian photo

firemen climb E-ONE aerial ladder

Josh Boyajian photo

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Area apparatus orders

From Ron Wolkoff:

West Chicago Fire Protection District: top-mount Ferrara pumper with an Igniter cab and chassis; Cummins ISL 450-hp engine; Waterous CSU 1,500-gpm pump; UPF Poly 750-gallon tank; 30-gallon foam cell.

Cicero Fire Department: Pierce 100-foot aerial quint with a Dash CF cab and chassis; Detroit DD13 500-hp engine; UPF Poly 300-gallon tank; PUC 1,500-gpm pump.

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Commercial building fire in Cicero, 6-17-15

This from Josh Boyajian:

The Cicero Fire Department responded to a very well involved building fire on Ogden Avenue (5419 W 30th Street) during afternoon rush hour traffic today (6/17/15). As companies went enroute they reported a large black header in the sky. The fire was in a two-story ordinary, 100×75, auto body shop. Companies encountered heavy fire on arrival and used three master streams and multiple handlines to knock down most of the fire. Companies on scene were: Cicero E1, E2, E3, T1, T2, F-7, F-1, F-12, and Berwyn T904.

building fire in Cicero IL

Josh Boyajian photo

Cicero FD E-ONE TDA at a fire scene

Josh Boyajian photo

fireman climbs E-ONE aerial ladder

Josh Boyajian photo

master stream from E-ONE TDA

Josh Boyajian photo

commercial building demolished by fire

Josh Boyajian photo

E-ONE fire engine at fire scene

Josh Boyajian photo

Pierce Dash CF PUC at fire scene

Josh Boyajian photo

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Landlord gets life in prison for fatal Cicero fire

The Chicago Tribune has this article:

A former landlord was sentenced Tuesday to life in prison without parole for the murders of seven Cicero residents, ages 20 years to 3 days old, who were killed in a 2010 fire the man ordered set to an apartment building he owned.

Cook County Judge Carol Kipperman said she would have sentenced Lawrence Myers to death if Illinois law still allowed such a sentence. “Everything on this trial was horrendous,” Kipperman said at the courthouse in Maywood. “His motivations were for money. This (trial) left me speechless.”

Myers, who was convicted by a jury in November, showed no emotion when the sentence was announced.

The fatal fire took place on Valentine’s Day 2010. According to prosecutors, Myers, 64, wanted to burn down his building in the 3000 block of South 48th Court to collect on a $250,000 insurance policy and move to West Virginia. Deep in debt, he hired his maintenance man, Marion “Andre” Comier, 51, who is still awaiting trial on murder charges, to set the fire, prosecutors said.

thanks Dan

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Area apparatus for sale

Former Evergreen Park truck:

Former Evergreen Park ladder truck for sale

Former Evergreen Park ladder truck for sale

Cicero tower ladder:

Cicero fire truck for sale

Former Cicero Tower Ladder 1.

Arlington Heights engine:

Pierce Quantum fire engine for sale

Former Arlington Heights fire engine for sale.

Flossmoor engine:

Pierce Lance fire engine for sale

Former Flossmoor fire engine for sale.

Munster engine:

Mack fire engine for sale

Former Munster fire engine for sale.

thanks Dennis and Kevin

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Web site updates

There have been several updates to the site:

Division 1:

  • Des Plaines Station 3 has been updated to Station 63 with all currently renumbered units

Des Plaines Fire Department Truck 63

Division 3:

  • Niles – updated several pieces at the two stations and added a new photo of Station 2 with red doors
  • Northfield – updated the photo of Squad 29
  • Wilmette – updated photos at both stations
Wilmette Fire Department rescue squad

Wilmette Rescue 27. Larry Shapiro photo

Division 10:

  • Hinsdale – added the photo of new Engine 1012

Division 11:

  • Cicero – added a photo of new Engine 3

Division 12:

  • Addison – updated the photo of Quint 73
  • Oak Brook – made the necessary corrections to both stations

Division 20:

Division 21:

Bedford Park Fire Department Engine 704

  • Roberts Park – updated photos and added missing reserve units

Type I ambulance photo

Crimson fire engine

Division 24:

  • Riverdale – added a photo of new Engine 836

Riverdale Fire Department Engine 836

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Cicero alley garage fire , 7-6-14

This from Drew Gresik:

Took in a 20×20 alley garage at 2420 S 60th Ct on Sunday. Cicero Engines 1 & 2 each dropped a line and made a good stop, confining the fire to just the one garage. Slight exposure to the D Side garage. One pick-up truck was destroyed in the fire.
Drew Gresik photo

Drew Gresik photo

firemen force the door on a garage

Drew Gresik photo

fireman after fighting fire

Drew Gresik photo

firemen with hose at fire scene

Drew Gresik photo

Seagreave rear mount ladder truck

Drew Gresik photo

E-ONE Typhoon fire engine

Drew Gresik photo

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Area apparatus photos

Larry Shapiro submitted several recent photos of area apparatus

Berwyn fire engine

Berwyn Engine 903 – 2008 Spartan Gladiator Classic /Crimson 1500/500 so 08053-001. Larry Shapiro photo

Cicero FD tractor-drawn aerial

Cicero Truck 2 – 2009 E-ONE Cyclone II 100′ HP-100 TDA so#134747. Larry Shapiro photo

Lyons Fire Department engine

Lyons Engine 1312 – 2008 Pierce Arrow XT 2000/750/120/30 so 20942. Larry Shapiro photo


ambulance photo

Niles Ambulance 2 – 2012 IHC 4300/2013 Medtec Type I MICU so# 26175-1. Larry Shapiro photo

Pierce Lance fire engine

Niles Engine 2R – 1992 Pierce Lance 1250/500 #E7192. Larry Shapiro photo

MABAS Division 3 Haz Mat Unit

Mabas 3 Haz Mat 3 – 2003 Sterling Acterra/Marion Haz Mat Unit so#21023. Larry Shapiro photo

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New engine for Cicero (more)

Cicero has taken delivery of their new Engine 3.  Larry Shapiro submitted several images of the new unit from a training evolution this week in Cicero.

Pierce Dash CF PUC fire engine

Cicero Engine 3 is a 2014 Pierce Dash CF PUC 1500/500 with shop order #27262. Larry Shapiro photo

Pierce Dash CF PUC fire engine

Officer’s side of Cicero Engine 3. Larry Shapiro photo

Pierce Dash CF PUC fire engine

There is no rear step on this engine. Larry Shapiro photo

Pierce Dash CF PUC fire engine

A booster reel is in a rear compartment. The cover serves as a step for the hose bed. Larry Shapiro photo

Pierce Dash CF PUC fire engine

Rear of the new engine with booster line and step. Larry Shapiro photo

Pierce Dash CF PUC fire engine

A quick detour for a cloud filled sky. Larry Shapiro photo

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