a visit to Evanston fd station 3
home to-engine 23truck 23ambo 23fire investigation unit 331mabas division 3 boat trailer
Nov 29
Posted by Admin in Ambulance photos, FIre Stations, Fire Truck photos | 6 Comments
a visit to Evanston fd station 3
home to-engine 23truck 23ambo 23fire investigation unit 331mabas division 3 boat trailer
Tags: Chicagoland_fire_photos on instagram, Evanston FD Engine 23, Evanston FD Station 23, Evanston FD Truck 23, Evanston Fire Department
From Chicagoland fire photos on Instagram:
Hometown fd station 1
Home to-
Engine 466Squad 468Ambo 472Ambo 471Car 470And a random chiefs car
Tags: Chicagoland_fire_photos on instagram, Hometown FD Ambulance 471, Hometown FD Ambulance 472, Hometown FD Engine 466, Hometown FD Engine 468, Hometown fire station
From Chicagoland fire photos on Instagram:
Bedford park station 3 visit
Home to-
Tower 709Squad 708
Tags: Bedford Park FD Squad 708, Bedford Park FD Station 3, Bedford Park FD Tower 709, Bedford Park Fire Department, Chicagoland_fire_photos on instagram, Pierce Dash CF PUC tower ladder, Rosenbauer mini-pumper
Sep 19
Posted by Admin in Ambulance photos, FIre Stations, Fire Truck photos | 9 Comments
From Chicagoland_fire_photos on instagram:
a visit to evanston fd station 1
home to-engine 21ambo 21battalion 21 (in spare batt 21)squad 21dive 21ambo 22 is stationed at 21 until 24’s construction is done
Tags: Chicagoland_fire_photos on instagram, Evanston FD Ambulance 21, Evanston FD Engine 21, Evanston FD Squad 21, Evanston FD Station 21, Evanston Fire Department
Sep 18
Posted by Admin in FIre Stations, Fire Truck photos | 8 Comments
From Chicagoland_fire_photos on instagram:
a visit to tri-state fpd station 124
home to-engine 124ambo 124utility 124boat 124mabas div 10 atvand another boat
Tags: Chicagoland_fire_photos on instagram, fire truck photos, Tri-State FPD, Tri-State FPD Ambulance 124, Tri-State FPD boat 124, Tri-State FPD Engine 124, Tri-State FPD Station 124
From Chicagoland_fire_photos on instagram:
a visit to cfd engine 62
home to-engine 62truck27battalion 22
Tags: Chicago FD Battalion 22, Chicago FD Engine 62, Chicago FD Engine 62's house, Chicago FD Truck 27, Chicago Fire Department, Chicagoland_fire_photos on instagram
From Chicagoland_fire_photos on instagram:
a visit to evanston station 4
home to-engine 24engine 24r (at a city lot while the station is under construction)engine 24 goes to engine 22 for the night until the construction is done
Tags: Chicagoland_fire_photos on instagram, Evanston FD Engine 24, Evanston FD Station 24
Aug 28
Posted by Admin in Ambulance photos, Fire Truck photos | 7 Comments
From Chicagoland_fire_photos on instagram:
a visit to park ridge station 36
home to;battalion 36tower 36engine 36ambo 36ambo 36r
Tags: Chicagoland_fire_photos on instagram, Park Ridge FD Battalion 36, Park Ridge FD Engine 36, Park Ridge FD Tower 36, Park Ridge Fire Department, Park Ridge Fire Station 36
Jul 22
Posted by Admin in Ambulance photos, Fire Truck photos | 5 Comments
From Chicagoland_fire_photos on instagram:
Chicago ridge fd station 1 visit
Home to-
Truck 3 (out for service)Engine 6513Ambo 6512Ambo 6522Battalion 7Car 6518Utility 6538Fire inspector’s carMabas div 21 foam trailerAlso an engine with no equipment from legacy fire apparatus as a spare for the truck but they’re just using 6513
Tags: ambulance photos, Chicago Ridge FD Engine 6513, Chicago Ridge FD vehicle, Chicago Ridge Fire Department, Chicagoland_fire_photos on instagram, fire trucks in fire station
From chicagoland_fire_photos on Instagram:
A visit to Engine 84’s house, home to-
Engine 84 (spare d-575)Truck 51 (spare e-292)Mass casualty 8-8-12FDS 4-4-12Ambo 36 (not there)
Tags: Chicago FD Assistant Deputy Chief Paramedic 4-4-12, Chicago FD Engine 84, Chicago FD Engine 84's house, Chicago Fire Department, Chicagoland_fire_photos on instagram, inside a Chicago firehouse, inside Chicago FD Engine 84's house, spare Chicago FD apparatus
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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