From Steve Redick:
2-11 Alarm at Drummond & Central. I arrived about 40 minutes after the 2-11 was requested.

Steve Redick photo
Jan 10
Posted by Admin in Fire Scene photos, Fire Scene video | No Comments
From Steve Redick:
2-11 Alarm at Drummond & Central. I arrived about 40 minutes after the 2-11 was requested.
Steve Redick photo
Tags: 2-11 Alarm fire in Chicago 1-9-25, Chicago FD runs spare engine at fire scene, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 23, Chicago Fire Department,, fire scene video, Steve Redick
From Steve Redick:
Still Alarm 5654 Higgins
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Tags: Chicago FD Engine 108, Chicago FD Engine 94, Chicago FD Engine 94 Mashawn Plummer memorial decal, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 23, Chicago Fire Department,, E-ONE fire engine at Chicago house fire, fire scene photos, Steve Redick
Nov 10
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Department History, Fire Scene photos, Historic Fire Photo, throwbackthursday | 2 Comments
From Larry Shapiro for #TBT:
Chicago 4-11 Alarm fire at 3106 W. Peterson Ave 11-15-13
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Tags: #larryshapiro, #TBT, 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago 11-21-63, Chicago FD Engine 71, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 23,, Larry Shapiro,,, massive flames from strip mall fire,, throw back thursday, throwbackthursday
Feb 21
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | Comments off
From Steve Redick:
Montrose and Richmond this early am…conditions on my arrival
Steve Redick photo
Tags: 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, Chicago FD Engien 124, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 23, fire scene photo, Steve Redick
Feb 12
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | 1 Comment
From Steve Redick:
Box at 5733 W Grover early Friday am
Steve Redick photo
Tags: Chicago FD Engine 108, Chicago FD Engine 119, Chicago FD Engine 94, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 23, Chicago Fire Department, house fire in Chicago, Steve Redick
This from Danny Nelms:
Heres a few photos of rigs at the Truck 36 100th anniversary on saturday 10-12-19 as well as Tower 23 and Engine 79 out and out the same morning.
Danny Nelms photo
Danny Nelms photo
Danny Nelms photo
Danny Nelms photo
Danny Nelms photo
Danny Nelms photo
Danny Nelms photo
Danny Nelms photo
Danny Nelms photo
Danny Nelms photo
Danny Nelms photo
Tags: Chicago 5-11 Club Support Service Unit, Chicago EMS Field Officer 4-5-2, Chicago FD Ambulance 64, Chicago FD Battalion 17, Chicago FD Engine 44, Chicago FD Engine 79, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 23, Chicago FD Truck 36 100th anniversary, Chicago Fire Department, Danny Nelms, fire truck photos
Apr 8
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Service Photos | 2 Comments
This from Chi-Town Fire Photos:
We took in the extra alarm fire early this week on the westside of Chicago. It was a food manufacturing warehouse and the first-in companies encountered heavy fire on their arrival. A lot of in-line pumping operations took place at this job which required many resources, which at the peak of the fire, made it to a 5-11 and 4 Specials. Twenty two engines, ten trucks including four tower ladders, Squad 2, plus a plethora of special equipment responded to this. We got to this about an hour into the fire.
Tags: 5-11 Alarm fire and Haz Mat Level 1 in Chicago 4-2-19, chi-town fire photos, Chicago FD Engine 35, Chicago FD Engine 44, Chicago FD Engine 57, Chicago FD Engine 91, Chicago FD Squad 2A at a fire scene, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 14, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 21, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 23, Chicago Fire Commissioner Richard C. Ford II,, Newlyweds Foods fire
Apr 4
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | 1 Comment
This from Arvell Dorsey:
I went back to the fire scene the next day (April 3, 2019) to check out the extensive damage and took some photos.
Arvell Dorsey Jr.
Arvell Dorsey Jr. photo
Arvell Dorsey Jr. photo
Arvell Dorsey Jr. photo
Arvell Dorsey Jr. photo
Arvell Dorsey Jr. photo
click on the memo to download a larger version
Tags: 5-11 Alarm fire and Haz Mat Level 1 in Chicago 4-2-19, aftermath of commercial building fire, Aftermath of massive fire that destroyed Newlyweds Foods in Chicago 4/2/19., Arvell Dorsey Jr., Chicago FD Engine 91, Chicago FD Memo M-36-19, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 23, Chicago Fire Department, Newlyweds Foods fire
Dec 27
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | 2 Comments
The second of two 2-11 Alarm fires in Chicago on 12/22/18 was at 6417 N Ravenswood Avenue (more)
This from Chi-Town Fire Photos:
This was the 2nd fire of the day. Originally dispatched E43 for rubbish, until the MFAO told them they were going to upgrade it to a full still. I left the fire on Clark Street and headed to this. They found a 1-sty auto body shop, with smoke coming out of everywhere. They lead out and forced entry into a door on side B where they encountered heavy smoke. They attempted to make a push but were pulled out by the chief who immediately pulled a box. Companies went defensive. A very stubborn fire, with little progress to be made for a while. After putting the box companies to work and due to a lack of resources in staging, they pulled a 2-11. Fire ended up burning through the roof but they kept the fire from spreading to adjoining exposures. 8+ hand lines and 2 aerial master streams were used at the height of the fire.
Chi-Town Fire Photos
Chi-Town Fire Photos
Chi-Town Fire Photos
Chi-Town Fire Photos
Chi-Town Fire Photos
Chi-Town Fire Photos
Chi-Town Fire Photos
Chi-Town Fire Photos
Chi-Town Fire Photos
Chi-Town Fire Photos
Chi-Town Fire Photos
Tags: 2-11 alarm fire in Chicago, chi-town fire photos, Chicago FD Engine 43, Chicago FD Engine 71, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 21, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 23, Chicago Fire Department, Eric Haak, fire scene photos, fire scene video
Sep 13
Posted by Admin in Fire Department History, Historic fire apparatus, Historic Fire Photo, throwbackthursday | 7 Comments
Images and gallery from Steve Redick for #TBT
3-11 Alarm fire 4/14/87 at 1406 S. Halsted
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
more photos HERE
Tags: #TBT, 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago 4-14-17, Chicago FD Engine 18, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 23, Chicago FD Truck 1, Chicago Fire Department history, historic fire scene photos, Morita ladder, Steve Redick, throw back thursday, throwbackthursday
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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