Posts Tagged Chicago Engine 95

Chicago house fire 7-28-13

This from Eric Haak:

At approximately 8:15 Sunday morning, a fire broke out in this 25×50 1.5 story brick on the 900 block of north Harding in Chicago’s 13th Battalion.  Engine 95 was first due and reported the home to be fully involved on arrival.  There was a enclosed wood frame porch at the rear of the structure where it appeared the fire originated.  The home had been vacant for a while and had several break-ins.  The fire eventually communicated to the home to the north and caused damage to the frame dormer of a 1.5 story ordinary.  Companies working on the scene were Engines 95 and 76, Trucks 35 and 26, Truck 36 was RIT with the 12th Battalion.

Chicago Fire Department house fire

Eric Haak photo

Chicago Fire Department house fire

Eric Haak photo

Chicago Fire Department firefighter

Eric Haak photo

Chicago Fire Department Engine 95

Eric Haak photo

Chicago Fifre Department Engine 76

Eric Haak photo

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Chicago working fire 6-23-13

This from Steve Redick:

Made it to this job at Lake & Homan yesterday … I arrived pretty early in the job (ahead of the squad). 1-story row of what looked like mostly vacant commercial occupancies, but the motocycle club looks like it may have been in use. From my vantage point it looked like the fire was in the cockloft over more than one occupancy. Lots of venting on the roof, and some forcible entry in the rear. Note the sign on the door of the motorcycle joint. Also shot a little video too … this was a done deal in very short order.



commercial building fire in Chicago

Steve Redick photo

commercial building fire in Chicago

Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Truck 36

Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Engine 44

Steve Redick photo

Chicago Fire Department

Steve Redick photo

commercial building fire in Chicago

Steve Redick photo

commercial building fire in Chicago

Steve Redick photo

commercial building fire in Chicago

Steve Redick photo

commercial building fire in Chicago

Steve Redick photo

spare Chicago FD ladder truck

Steve Redick photo

commercial building fire in Chicago

Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD fire engine 95

Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD fire engine 95

Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Truck 7

Steve Redick photo


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Chicago 2-11 Alarm fire 5-23-13

This from Drew Gresik:

Hey guys,
I took in the 2-11 this morning at 1433 S Kenneth. I arrived roughly 50 minutes into the incident, and at the time, the incident was a Still and Box. After being on scene for about 10 minutes, 2-2-1 requested a 2-11 Alarm for the heavy fire pushing throughout. A lot of commissioners took this one in too, including 2-1-3, Commissioner Jose Santiago. This fire also occurred during shift change so there were a lot of firefighters switching into gear and moving rigs around. Another interesting note is that there was a LOT of spare rigs at this incident, companies with spares include: Towers 5 and 14, Trucks 26 and 36, and another Truck and Engine (I think Engine 109 and Truck 29). Thanks, enjoy the pics!
Drew Gresik
PS Tower 5 was using E252 and Tower 14 was using E248. (Tower 5 backed into the vacant lot in Sector 4 and took over master stream ops for Tower 14…Squad 2’s Snorkel was also used as a master stream). E279 was being used by Truck 26 and was also in the lot next to the towers.
Chicago FD Engine 38

Engine 38 with lines off. Drew Gresik photo

Chicago FD Engine 95

Engine 95 on a hydrant. Drew Gresik photo

Chicago FD Engine 113

Engine 113 on a hydrant. Drew Gresik photo

Chicago FD Engine 117

Engine 117 on a hydrant. Drew Gresik photo

Chicago FD Seagrave aerial

Truck 26 was using this spare Seagrave ladder truck. Drew Gresik photo

two CFD tower ladders at fire scene

Two spare E-ONE tower ladders were working the fire. Drew Gresik photo

apartment building fire in Chicago

A hand line is deployed to the 3rd floor. Drew Gresik photo

Chicago FD Tower Ladder 54f

Tower Ladder 54. Drew Gresik photo

E-ONE tower ladder in Chicago

One of the spare E-ONE tower ladders working. Drew Gresik photo

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Chicago Still Alarm fire 4-13-13

This from Dan Shevlin:

Address: 4123 W Monroe
Still Time : 1347 hours
Battalion 13 & the group had a small kitchen fire 4/13/13, Engine 95 had a line off & the fire was extinguished quickly.
Thanks Dan Shevlin
Chicago FD Engine 38

Dan Shevlin photo

Chicago FD Truck 26

Dan Shevlin photo

Chicago FD Truck 26

Dan Shevlin photo

Chicago FD Engine 95

Dan Shevlin photo

Chicago FD Engine 95

Dan Shevlin photo

Chicago FD Engine 95

Dan Shevlin photo

firefighter with air pack

Dan Shevlin photo

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Chicago FD Still Alarm 3-23-13

This from Steve Redick:

4046 Van Buren – Saturday..I took this one in because it was advertised as a fire in a building with a red ‘X’ … this was the first example I was able to see with the new safety marking system. It’s either a red square, a square with 1 slash, or a square with an X like this one, in the order of potential danger. Interior ops have to be assesed and approved before anyone can work inside. I believe this will be a very common site on the fireground. Also got a fair shot of one of the new buggies.

Chicago Engine 44 Chicago FD trucks at fire scene

Engine 44 on a hydrant. Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD at the scene of a vacant building fire

Vacant building with new marking system for firefighter safety. Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD at the scene of a vacant building fire

Closeup of building designation. Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD at the scene of a vacant building fire

Truck 26 with a ladder to the roof. Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD at the scene of a vacant building fire

Chicago FD Engine 95

Engine 95 also had a hydrant. Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Paramedic Field Chief 4-5-4

Chicago FD Paramedic Field Chief 4-5-4. Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Paramedic Field Chief 4-5-4

Chicago FD Paramedic Field Chief 4-5-4. Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD at the scene of a vacant building fire

Another view of Truck 26 in Sector 1. Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD at the scene of a vacant building fire

Truck 48 setup in a vacant field. Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Squad 2

Squad 2 was at the scene. Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Squad 2A

Squad 2’s Snorkel. Steve Redick photoin

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Chicago Still & Box Alarm Fire 3-10-13

This from Dan Shevlin:

My name is Dan and I work in the Chicago Fire Alarm Office.
Sunday March 10th 2013
Still & Box 1223 S Kildare
Still Time : 1417 hrs
Box Time : 1419 hrs by the MFAO
Engine 38 reported a fire on the 2nd floor of 2 1/2 story ordinary constructed building.  By the time I got there fire was blowing out the attic windows and dog houses.  The order was given to back out and a defensive attack was set up.
Thanks Dan Shevlin
Chicago Fire Department raging house fire

photo by Dan Shevlin

Chicago Fire Department raging house fire

photo by Dan Shevlin

Chicago Fire Department raging house fire

photo by Dan Shevlin

Chicago Fire Department raging house fire

photo by Dan Shevlin

Chicago Fire Department raging house fire

photo by Dan Shevlin

Chicago Fire Department raging house fire

photo by Dan Shevlin

Chicago Fire Department raging house fire

photo by Dan Shevlin

Chicago Fire Department raging house fire

photo by Dan Shevlin

More of Dan’s images can be viewed HERE.

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Chicago Still & Box Alarm fire 1-25-13

This from Josh Boyajian:

CFD – A still and box alarm @ Kostner and Wilcox. It was a 2 story multi-family two flat with most of the fire in the rear of the building and in the basement. E95 had two lines lead out while T26 made the roof. Here are my pictures.


firefighters spraying water

Josh Boyajian photo

firefighters on the roof

Josh Boyajian photo

Chicago Fire Department Engine 95

Josh Boyajian photo

firefighters with hose line

Josh Boyajian photo

fireman with dirty face

Josh Boyajian photo

vinyl siding burning

Josh Boyajian photo


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CFD Still & Box 7-8-11

On Friday, Chicago companies fought a fire in a bugalow at 948 N. Homan on the city’s west side. Dan McInerney was in the city at the time and took in the fire. He arrived after the fire had been knocked down and submitted several images and the following description.

Seconds after the Main Fao dispatched Bn12 on the air to the still, 4-4-11 pulled up and requested an emergency still and box for people trapped in a 1.5 story house with heavy fire throughout and fire exposing a similar house in sector 4. First due E44 arrived and dropped a leader line into the first floor as Truck 36 performed a primary and roof ventilation. The search was negative, the house turned out to be vacant. Second due E95 went west on Augusta and brought their leader line to the rear. Second due TL14 did a search of the exposure and roof ventilation of same. 3rd due engine E76 brought a line into the exposure building


Chicago Fire Department Still & Box 924 Homan 7-8-11

Battalion 7 Chief Maria DeCaussin (RIT) stands next to BN13 (still) Chief Sean O'Driscoll in front of the building after the fire was knocked. Dan McInerney photo

Chicago Fire Department Still & Box 924 Homan 7-8-11

Truck 36 main being bedded as firefighters rest and rehydrate. Temperatures were in the upper 80s. Dan McInerney photo

Chicago Fire Department Still & Box 924 Homan 7-8-11

Engine 44 was the first engine on the scene and had one line off. Dan McInerney photo

Chicago Fire Department Still & Box 924 Homan 7-8-11

The rear of Truck 36 showing the 40 and 50-foot bangor ladders. Dan McInerney photo

Chicago Fire Department Still & Box 924 Homan 7-8-11

West Side station t-shiret. Dan McInerney photo

Chicago Fire Department Still & Box 924 Homan 7-8-11

Comm Van 2-7-1 parked down the block. Dan McInerney photo

Chicago Fire Department Still & Box 924 Homan 7-8-11

Engine 76 engineer and FF break down the hydrant showing CFD hydrant gate valve placed on the unused port of the hydrant so another engine can hookup. Dan McInerney photo

Chicago Fire Department Still & Box 924 Homan 7-8-11

Engine 76 on a hydrant at the corner was the 3rd engine on the fire. Dan McInerney photo

Chicago Fire Department Still & Box 924 Homan 7-8-11

Second due Engine 95 took a hydrant on Augusta, Dan McInerney photo

Chicago Fire Department Still & Box 924 Homan 7-8-11

Firefighters repack hose onto Engine 44. Dan McInerney photo

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