Posts Tagged Barrington & Countryside Fire Protection District

Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District news (more)

rendering of the new Barrington Countryside FPD Station 39

Artist rendering of Barrington Countryside FPD Station 39

Excerpts from the

Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District broke ground in late May at 1004 S. Hough St. in an unincorporated area near the village for a new fire station. At a cost of $5 million, Fire Station 39 will be the district’s third fire station. Officials said it will allow the district to respond to more than 90% of all emergency calls in six minutes or less.

The station is slated to be funded by reserves, though there has been some discussion about possibly financing a portion of the project — all without a tax rate increase, officials said. The station also will help reduce insurance premiums for some property owners, particularly in the eastern section of the district.

thanks Danny

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Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District news (more)

Excerpts from the

The Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District is making a second try at building a new station that officials say is needed to improve service to the district’s east side. The proposal for a roughly 5-acre site at 1004 S. Hough St. is part of the district’s longtime desire for a third station that would benefit residents in Inverness and nearby areas. The land is in unincorporated Cook County just outside Barrington.

Before construction can occur, the fire district must go through a county approval process, starting with a zoning board of appeals online public hearing at 10 a.m. July 8. The district needs a special-use permit for the firehouse because the Hough Street land is zoned for single-family homes. The district’s tentative plan to buy the 5 acres hinges on whether the county grants the permit. The entire project could cost $3 million to $5 million.

In March 2019, the county rejected the district’s request for a special-use permit and zoning variances needed to build a new station at 36 E. Dundee Road. That plan called for converting a vacant house into a station on an acre between Barrington Middle School-Prairie Campus and an early learning center. Barrington Area Unit District 220 lodged a formal objection with Cook County, citing traffic concerns and the potential for reduced property values. The fire district called the county’s rejection a setback for regional public safety. District 220 later bought the site from the fire district for $500,000.

Under the new plan, the fire district would build a 10,000-square-foot station with two bays. A flashing warning light would be installed to warn Hough Street drivers about exiting fire trucks or ambulances.

Barrington Countryside currently has two firehouses to cover its 48-square-mile territory. The district provides fire and emergency medical service to residents in portions of Barrington Hills, South Barrington, Lake Barrington and Inverness, as well as sections of unincorporated Cook, Lake and McHenry counties.

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3-Alarm fire in Barrington, 6-14-20

From the Barrington Countryside FPD Facebook page:

Early this morning the BCFPD was dispatched to a structure fire on Steeplechase. Fire is under investigation. Crews worked diligently with surrounding towns to mitigate situation.

massive house fire at night

Barrington Countryside FPD photo

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Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District news (more)

Excerpts from the

Cook County commissioners on the county’s zoning and building committee Wednesday voted 14-0 against granting a special-use permit and zoning variances the Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District needed to build a new station at 36 E. Dundee Road near a middle school and early childhood center.

Fire district officials contended that the third station would have improved ambulance response times to parts of Inverness and elsewhere. But its planned location between Barrington Middle School-Prairie Campus and Barrington Area Unit District 220’s Early Learning Center drew opposition from school leaders and parents. District 220 Superintendent Brian Harris urged commissioners to vote against the plan, saying the schools never would have been built at that location had the fire station been there first. He said he hopes fire district officials instead follow a study’s recommendation indicating a need for a facility in the western part of the district.

Barrington Countryside officials released a statement calling the county board’s decision a setback for regional public safety. “It is also an overreaction to patently false information created and disseminated by a small group of individuals who seek shortsighted benefits for a select few at the expense of the long-term greater good,” the fire district said.

Barrington Countryside hoped to use the foundation of a house it bought for $500,000 in 2016 for the station. The new facility would have cost $900,000 to $1.1 million.

District 220 lodged a formal objection with Cook County, citing traffic concerns and the potential for reduced property values.

At a meeting last fall, school officials and teachers said noise from the firehouse could cause problems for the early learning center, where the most fragile children in the system are taught.

County Commissioner Kevin Morrison said his office received at least 50 calls and 70 emails against the project. Morrison said that while the county’s advisory zoning board of appeals recommended the station on the condition that no sirens be used, a site visit and feedback from both sides of the issue convinced him the project would be inappropriate.

Barrington Countryside Fire Chief James Kreher said work will resume to find another site to better serve Inverness and the eastern and southern areas of the district. District 220 has expressed interest in buying the district’s Dundee Road property, he said.

thanks Ron

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Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District news

Excerpts from the

Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District officials attended a special meeting at Barrington Middle School-Prairie Campus to address concerns with the proposal for a fire station at 36 E. Dundee Road.

Barrington Area Unit District 220 officials say their concerns about the planned third station include noise disrupting learning and traffic. Elected officials will decide whether to file an objection to the plan with the Cook County zoning board of appeals. District 220 can file a formal objection regarding the fire station proposal with the Cook County zoning board of appeals starting Sept. 26. The advisory panel, which will forward a recommendation to the Cook County Board for final consideration, has scheduled a hearing on the matter for Oct. 3.

Plans call for the fire district to use the foundation of a house it bought for $500,000 in 2016 for a station handling only ambulance calls to improve response times to parts of Inverness and the overall southern coverage area. The site is between the middle school and the Barrington Early Learning Center.

$900,000 to $1.1 million would be spent to build the new station. The fire district will seek a recommendation for approval of a special-use permit and variances to build on the residential land from the county’s zoning board of appeals. Construction on the proposed new station would start in spring 2019.

The fire district wants to reduce response times from about 10 minutes to 6 minutes for Inverness and nearby areas in unincorporated Cook County. 

thanks Ron

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2-Alarm fire in Barrington Hills, 5-3-18 (more)

video from Larry Shapiro of the 2-Alarm fire in Barrington Hills, 5-3-18


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2-Alarm fire in Barrington Hills, 5-3-18 (more)

More on the 2-Alarm fire in Barrington Hills, 5-3-18.

Then tanker shuttle included:

Long Grove, Countryside, Round Lake, Crystal Lake, Antioch, Bartlett, East Dundee, Prospect Heights, Palatine Rural, McHenry Township, Nunda, Lake Villa, Fox Lake, Woodstock, and Elk Grove Township.

Bartlett FPD Tender 2

Larry Shapiro photo

Trucks at the scene were from Palatine, West Dundee, and Wauconda.

Engines were from Mundelein, Buffalo Grove, Carpentersville, Hoffman Estates, Lake Zurich, Fox River Grove, and Algonquin. 

Squads from Cary and Lincolnshire-Riverwoods plus ambulances from Barrington, Barrington Countryside, and Des Plaines were also at the scene.

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2-Alarm fire in Barrington Hills, 5-3-18

large house in Barrington Hills engulfed by flames

photo from Facebook


The Barrington Countryside FPD responded to a house fire early this morning (5/3/18) at 83 Paganica Drive in Barrington Hills. A header was visible as units were en route and they found heavy fire from the second floor and mansard roof upon arrival. The resident had evacuated the house. The area is without hydrants.  The first engine and tanker pulled into the driveway with 4,000 gallons of water as the second engine dropped a line to the end of the street to initiate a drafting operation from three portable tanks. Fourteen tankers shuttled water for over two hours to supply several hand lines that were operating. The house sustained heavy damage and the fire’s origin is believed to be a lightning strike.

Barrington Countryside FPD E-ONE e-MAX Engine 37 at fire scene

Larry Shapiro photo 

Excerpts from the

Lightning may be to blame for a fire that tore through a nearly 9,000-square-foot Barrington Hills home after violent storms pushed through the region early Thursday morning. Firefighters from the Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District and about 20 other departments spent roughly two hours getting the fire on Paganica Drive under control.

Neighbors reported hearing a loud boom during the night, before firefighters well called to the scene at about 4:40 a.m., when the homeowner spotted flames. While most of the damage occurred to the roof, the house was left uninhabitable by the fire.

Because the neighborhood has no fire hydrants, firefighters set up a rural fire operation which involved bringing water to the scene in tenders. At no time was water supply lost, according to the fire district.

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Working fire in the Bartlett FPD, 12/11/17

From the Bartlett FPD Facebook page:

12/11/17 Bartlett Box Alarm at 1760 Hilltop in unincorporated Elgin

Last night, Bartlett firefighters responded to Hilltop Road in unincorporated Elgin for a reported garage fire. Upon arrival, crews were met with a well-involved attached garage fire extending into the home. Due to the amount of fire, wind conditions, and lack of fire hydrants, a MABAS Box was activated to bring in additional manpower and equipment necessary to extinguish the fire

Facebook video

firefighters silhouetted buy fire

John Tulipano photo

garage destroyed by fire

John Tulipano photo

firefighters with hose line at night fire scene

John Tulipano photo

firefighters with hose line at night fire scene

John Tulipano photo

firefighters with hose line at night fire scene

John Tulipano photo

firefighters with hose line at night fire scene

John Tulipano photo

firefighters with hose line at night fire scene

John Tulipano photo

Bartlett FPD fire engine drafting

John Tulipano photo

Bartlett FPD fire engine drafting

John Tulipano photo

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Barrington-Countryside FPD news

Excerpts from the

There were no injuries Saturday when the tire of a fire engine went into sinkhole in Fox River Grove.

A Barrington-Countryside engine being used to run routine errands was preparing to make a turn about 1 p.m. out of the parking lot of Jewel, 800 W. Northwest Hwy., when a sinkhole formed underneath the front tire, Barrington-Countryside Fire Batallion Chief Jeff Tress said .The vehicle was towed from the parking lot within an hour and is still able to be driven.

The engine is currently out of service until it can undergo further inspection.

Tess said the sinkhole was reportedly about 2-feet-wide and 5-feet-deep, though official measurements were not immediately available.

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