The first of two 2-11 Alarm fires in Chicago on 12/22/18 was at 7051 N. Clark Street (more)
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I took in the 2-11 on Clark Street Saturday and arrived about 40 minutes into the fire. Totally defensive at that time. Numerous hand lines and master streams working. I took some shots of the new Engines 59 and 71 pumping as well as Engines 102 and 70. New TL 21 was set up and ready to go but I don’t think they ever flowed any water.

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos