From the Pierce Flickr page:
York Center Fire Protection District, IL, 38292-1

Pierce composite
thanks Martin
Mar 2
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos, New Delivery | 1 Comment
From the Pierce Flickr page:
York Center Fire Protection District, IL, 38292-1
Pierce composite
thanks Martin
Tags:,, Enforcer, fire engine being built for the York Center FPD, Pierce, Pierce Enforcer fire engine, York Center Fire Protection District, York Center FPD Engine 78
This from Bill Post:
I have an interesting fire department related news story from Detroit. It is quite interesting and has some similarities to what is happening in Chicago. At the moment, Chicago is running short of operable spare tower ladders. This story is also about not having an operable tower ladder for the center of the city. Tower Ladder 7, the one closest to downtown Detroit, hasn’t been running without a tower ladder since October.
Bill Post
From WDIV in Detroit
Investigators track down broken fire trucks across Metro Detroit
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