From Steve Redick:
5-11 and 4 specials at 7400 S Kostner, April 2, 1968

photographer unknown
Feb 28
Posted by Admin in Fire Department History, Historic fire apparatus, Historic Fire Photo | 7 Comments
From Steve Redick:
5-11 and 4 specials at 7400 S Kostner, April 2, 1968
photographer unknown
Tags: 5-11 Alarm fire + 4 Specials in Chicago 4-2-68, Chicago FD Big Moe turret wagon in action, Chicago Fire Department history, historic fire photos, historic fire photos from Chicago, vintage Chicago FD Snorkels at fire scene, vintage Chicago fire trucks
From Sycamore Fire Department @sycamoreilfire:
This is a press release from the structure fire incident from2/27/21.
On Saturday, February 27, 2021 at 2119 hours, the Sycamore Fire Department was dispatched to 322 W Exchange Street for a structure fire with possible occupant entrapment. On arrival, the first arriving engine company found heavy smoke and fire showing from the rear of the two-unit residence.
First arriving engine company crews stretched a 1 ¾” hand line through the front door of the lower apartment and were able to mount an aggressive interior fire attack along with a primary search for any occupants. Engine company crews also performed a primary search of the upper story apartment.
The fire was quickly located in the back bedroom of the first floor and was extinguished within 10 minutes. Crews found one deceased victim in the residence.
Once the fire was extinguished, the two apartments were ventilated from smoke, and salvage and overhaul operations were conducted. Crews remained on scene for approximately 2 hours performing overhaul operations. The first-floor unit suffered flame, heat, and smoke damage and the second-floor unit suffered smoke damage. The damage is estimated at $200,000 for structure and contents. The second-floor occupants were temporarily displaced due to the damage.
The fire response went to the general alarm level. DeKalb Fire, GK Fire, GK Rescue, Cortland Fire, and Elburn Fire and Pingree Grove Fire filled quarters. The Sycamore Police Department, the Office of the State Fire Marshal, ComEd, and Nicor assisted at the scene.
No firefighters were injured in the response.
The cause of the fire appears to be accidental in nature, and is under further investigation.
thanks Art
Feb 28
Posted by Admin in Fatal fire, Fire Department News | Comments off
From Sycamore Fire Department. @sycamoreilfire:
This is the Sycamore Fire Department Press Release for the structure fire 2/26/21
On Friday, February 26, 2021 at approximately 2143 hours, the Sycamore Fire Department was dispatched to 942 Arvle Circle for a reported structure fire. Upon arrival, the Fire Department found a four unit townhome complex with heavy smoke showing and an active fire in the 942 Arvle Circle 2nd story unit. As the first responding engine company was advancing a 1 ¾” handline into the interior of the structure, they encountered the occupant in the stairwell. The engine company crew along with local police officers were able to rescue the male occupant and remove him to the outside, where he was treated for his injuries and quickly transported to the hospital. A second engine company stretched a 1 ¾” handline to the rear of the structure to counter a rapidly advancing fire. Once the first engine crew passed the care of the patient to the ambulance crew, they completed stretching the 1 ¾” hand line up the stairwell and into the fire unit and were able to mount an aggressive interior fire attack which allowed the transition from a short-term exterior attack and the fire was quickly controlled. A primary and secondary search for any additional occupants was conducted in the affected units. After the fire was extinguished, the fire unit and adjoining units were ventilated from smoke, and salvage and overhaul operations were conducted.
The fire alarm went to the General Alarm level and assistance was received from several neighboring fire departments including DeKalb, Elburn, Cortland, Genoa-Kingston, Malta and Pingree Grove along with help from the Office of the State Fire Marshall.
The Sycamore Police Department, Dekalb County Sheriff’s Department, ComEd and Nicor also assisted at the scene.The unit of the fire origin suffered significant heat, flame, and smoke damage. The adjoining unit suffered smoke and water damage. The damage is estimated at $300,000 to the structure $75,000 for contents in the townhomes. The cause of the fire remains under investigation.
One resident suffered significant burns and was initially transported to Kishwaukee Community Hospital and was then transferred to OSF St. Anthony Burn Center in Rockford. There were no injuries to firefighters.
Tags: fatal fire in Sycamore IL, Sycamore Fire Department Press Release
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