The second of two 2-11 Alarm fires in Chicago on 12/22/18 was at 6417 N Ravenswood Avenue
This from Eric Haak:
Chicago had a 2-11 Alarm fire at 6417 N Ravenswood Saturday afternoon (12/22). The fire was in a 1-story commercial structure and was contained mostly to the 75×75 rear section that had a truss roof. The fire eventually burned through the roof and Tower Ladder 23 and the new Tower Ladder 21 were used to bring the fire under control.

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo
#1 by Eric Haak on December 25, 2018 - 5:45 AM
Squad 7 was dispatched and almost made it in but Squad 2 was released from Clark and 7 was diverted to fill in at Squad 2’s house.
#2 by Mike L on December 23, 2018 - 10:36 PM
All change companies on the still. BN 15 for RIT was a long run unless it was from a change. Between the (2) 2-11’s that was half the city’s BCs on the far north side unless some were released from the 1st 2-11. Interesting to see what C/Q chiefs came north on the 2nd 2-11. Did Sqd 7 make it in or did Sqd 2 pick it up from the 1st fire?
#3 by Michael M on December 23, 2018 - 10:09 PM
Nice to see the new Tower 21 in action! I am guessing this was Tower 21’s first fire?