This from Michael D. Douglass:
Here are a few pictures of our new Sutphen Engine 242 that’s currently being built. It should arrive sometime in October. This engine will replace our 2004 American LaFrance. Once in service, this will be our 5th Sutphen apparatus (3 engines, 1 tower ladder and 1 squad).
Michael D. Douglass, Lieutenant / Public Education and Information Officer, Cary Fire Protection District

Cary Fire Protection District photo

Cary Fire Protection District photo

New Sutphen Engine 242 that’s currently being built for the Cary Fire Protection District. Cary Fire Protection District photo
#1 by CrabbyMilton on August 29, 2016 - 6:03 AM
I was wondering when somebody would take notice of that.
I figured it was a dolly but it does look like the real wheels for it from that perspective.
#2 by Drew Smith on August 28, 2016 - 7:43 PM
If you look closely you will see that the hose body is not yet mounted on the chassis. That wheel is part of a cart/dolly used to support the body prior to its mountingon the chassis. Looking closer at the first photo you’ll see another hose body immediately in front of the one in the foreground. The second photo clearly indicates the hose body has yet to be mounted as you can see a large void into the pump area which wouldnt be visible if the hose body were mounted.
#3 by Mike D on August 28, 2016 - 6:43 PM
The rear wheels appear to be very small. Is this some sort of new NFPA standard to have small wheels and tires like that? I think the ride will be very rough if they aren’t larger.