This from Larry Shapiro:
Winnetka put the new Engine 28 in service on Tuesday (6/7/16). Here is are a few shots with their other engines and a side by side with the 2000 Pierce Saber that is going into reserve. The 1996 Pierce Saber with the white roof is for sale.

Larry Shapiro photo

Larry Shapiro photo

Larry Shapiro photo

Larry Shapiro photo
#1 by CrabbyMilton on June 9, 2016 - 12:33 PM
He likely has a camera that you may be tempted to go to the bank to take out a loan instead of settling for a low cost digital camera like I have that the battery door needs a rubber band to keep it closed. 🙂
#2 by Fred M on June 8, 2016 - 6:19 PM
Larry, great shots… do you get that look in your pic’s of trucks and engines?? Really crisp
#3 by Crabby Milton on June 8, 2016 - 5:14 PM
I like transition shots like that. The 20 year old PIERCE still looks great.