this from Deputy Chief Drew Smith:

After action report on the Building collapse in the North Maine FPD, 5-19-16 

Microsoft Word - AfterActionCollapse-North Maine.docx

photo by Deputy Chief Drew Smith

photo by Deputy Chief Drew Smith

DesPlaines FD Tower 61

photo by Deputy Chief Drew Smith

thermal imaging of building collapse

photo by Deputy Chief Drew Smith

damage to building from explosion

photo by Deputy Chief Drew Smith

damage to building from explosion

photo by Deputy Chief Drew Smith

damage to building from explosion

photo by Deputy Chief Drew Smith

Microsoft Word - AfterActionCollapse-North Maine.docx

damage to building from explosion

photo by Deputy Chief Drew Smith

technical rescue team shores damaged building

photo by Deputy Chief Drew Smith

technical rescue team shores damaged building

photo by Deputy Chief Drew Smith

technical rescue team shores damaged building

photo by Deputy Chief Drew Smith

previous posts are HERE and HERE