This from Larry Shapiro:
Chicago had a 3-11 Alarm fire last night (4/29/16) at 3327 W. 48th Place. Companies had a four-story, 100×300 building filled with mattresses. I arrived at the tail end of the incident and thought I’d share a few apparatus shots. I know that several other contributors were there from the early stages, so here are some of the specialty pieces including the Mobile Battery Vehicle 6-3-9, Rehab Unit 5-7-1, 5-11 Club Canteen 4-0-2, Comm Van 2-7-4, and 9-2-4 the MVU from O’Hare which was special called, along with an all red buggy and another with blue lights.

Larry Shapiro photo

Larry Shapiro photo

Larry Shapiro photo

Larry Shapiro photo

Larry Shapiro photo

Larry Shapiro photo

Larry Shapiro photo

Larry Shapiro photo

Larry Shapiro photo

Larry Shapiro photo

Larry Shapiro photo

Larry Shapiro photo
#1 by Bill Post on May 4, 2016 - 2:54 AM
Well at least the new rigs are still being delivered in the black over red scheme so it’s not a total break with tradition.
I do suspect however that David may be right and that the red rigs may have been ordered more just for the sake of change. Speaking about foolish and pointless change was when the four (city based) CFD districts were realigned along with the renumbering and relocation of some of the battalion chiefs. Having two districts on the south side plus one central and one for the north side made more sense to me as the south side is the largest area. Just look at how close the 1st and new 4th Districts are located to each other. They are only a few miles apart.
The city is also now paying for more “brass” because each district once again has it’s own eight-hour commander. A few years ago they had eliminated the district commanders in each district for one north side and one south side commander. Another relocation that doesn’t seem to make sense was relocating Battalion 4 from Engine 23 to Engine 28, as Battalion 15 is barely a mile away at Engine 39’s quarters. In fact, the main reason why Battalion 4 was relocated from Engine 18 to Engine 23 a few years prior was because they didn’t want two chiefs (District 1 and Battalion 4) sharing quarters.
Back when the districts were called divisions, the Deputy District Chiefs were known as Division Marshalls. The equivalent to the District Chiefs were known as 2nd Deputy Fire Marshalls and there were not more than two or three of them to cover the city. The Field Commanders or the 2nd Deputies were 217 who covered the 1st and 2nd Divisions (downtown and west side) 218 who covered Divisions 4, 5, and 7 (the south side) and 219 who covered Divisions 3 and 6 (the north Side). The 2nd Deputy Marshalls in the field were also on 24-hour shifts however they didn’t assign one to each Division the way the District Chiefs operate now. The equivalent to the Asst Deputy Commissioner was 216 (the First Deputy Fire Marshall) who usually was located at Engine 1’s house on Wells Street when not at the academy or at an extra alarm fire. Well so much for Chicago Fire Department history.
#2 by 9 man squad on May 3, 2016 - 8:09 PM
You mention the new mass casualty unit at o’hare. Have any photos?
#3 by Drew Smith on May 3, 2016 - 1:57 PM
It’s not just one roof that needs paint. The cost to paint a roof any color isn’t pennies. With two dozen BC vehicles and perhaps many others, the cost of such painting can total thousands of dollars. That may be a consideration. However, just consider that no one may have considered it. The roof doesn’t come black if you dont ask for it. The vendors isnt necesarily up to speed on CFD traditions.
As for the logo, cheap compared to the roof. Not a substantial money saver.
As for the green light, it’s a wash- there’s a light whether it is green, blue, red, etc. The cost is the same either way. However, again, if someone didn’t ask for it then it just won’t show up. Also, there is no standard in NFPA 1901 or in the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) for green lights so that may be a factor for someone.
I love tradition. Can’t see not having the green (it’s not the only light so dont worry about a standard), seems the logos are all there, but as much as I like and want to see the black roof I don’t know how you justify it if the need is questioned. “Because we’ve always done it that way” probably won’t get the desired results.
#4 by Tom on May 3, 2016 - 8:11 PM
Well said, Drew! I sometimes find it amusing that people complain about how old the CFD apparatus is, but then complain about them saving some money on a new purchase. If saving some money on a black roof enables them to purchase another vehicle, then I am all for it.
#5 by David on May 3, 2016 - 9:31 AM
Carle: But everything is not about the money, there are simply always more things to consider and I can’t imagine why should the CFD drop the traditions which made them so famous just because a few bucks. The traditional black roofs, logo and the green lights have been around for nearly a century. I can hardly imagine that the times got so bloody tough that they can’t simply keep something like this any more and have to change everything from the ground. I also really don’t think that at this day and age people shouldn’t be concerned about easthetic things like the lights, decals, etc… as you wrote. Why shouldn’t they?
#6 by David on May 3, 2016 - 2:17 AM
Bill and JP are right, the red roofs look just totally horrible, new OFI buggies, Batt. cars, even the Midway Mass Casualty and the new Air Mask,… I can’t see the point, I don’t believe this has anything to do with money, they probably wanted to make some change but this looks just crazy. Ironically the buggies were the 1st CFD vehicles with the black canvas tops some 90 yrs back. They should stop experimenting with the colors or the CFD will end up looking like FDNY or some other department with horrible paint scheme.
#7 by Carle on May 3, 2016 - 1:44 AM
How is this being “penny wise pound foolish”? In this day and age, the last thing that people should be concerned about are aesthetic things like lighting, decals, and paint jobs. I bet anyone would SIGNIFICANTLY rather see money saved there as opposed to cuts in operational needs, vehicle/equipment replacement, or even staffing levels. If someone is going to emulate CFD it should NOT be for it’s decals and lights…but for their aggressive tactics and staffing levels. I’m sorry. I know I don’t get as much into tradition as much as many of the buffs do….but stuff like this seems like it should be at the bottom of CFD’s money priorities.
#8 by Bill Post on May 2, 2016 - 8:51 PM
I had thought that it was only the OFI (office of fire investigation) cars that were going to all red. The Battalions and Districts and EMS chiefs should remain black over red like they always have been. It is ironic that now as many fire departments around the country are going to black over red. Even Montreal Canada has gone to black over red, while Chicago or should I say someone within the Fleet Management who has no respect for tradition and is being penny wise and pound foolish is really having the CFD’s new buggies stick out like a sore thumb.
Otherwise I liked the shots and I like the lighting effect of that shot of the new Tower Ladder 39.
#9 by Admin on May 2, 2016 - 9:09 PM
Bill, Montreal is a dark blue, not black
#10 by Marty Coyne on May 1, 2016 - 10:13 PM
Eng 9 brought the MVU
#11 by 9 man squad on May 1, 2016 - 7:49 PM
Who bought 9-2-4 to the scene
#12 by 9 man squad on May 1, 2016 - 7:48 PM
It is most likely to save cash
This must be TL 39 first major fire
#13 by JP on May 1, 2016 - 6:27 PM
It looks like #$%&! (admin edited) What happened to the tradition, of the CFD. Next they will take the green lights off. Why not the gold CFD logo too, we can be as generic as possible. The CFD. Used to be emulated by others, now some idiot decides for what ever reason to change what has been the brand for ever. Maybe Jose should put Trotters stupid slogan on in Spanish, that could be his legacy.
#14 by harry on May 1, 2016 - 3:09 PM
i see the new bc cars i guess are going all red as well as airmask i think it is a nice touch does anyone know if any bc in the logan squre area or ohare airport area grtting these new 16 red explorers