Archive for July 21st, 2015

South Elgin FPD to evaluate old fire station

Excerpts from the

This week, the South Elgin and Countryside Fire Protection District board moved to ask its architectural firm for a complete assessment of the fire station 1’s needs — from space for firefighting apparatus to living space for firefighters, and from heating and cooling needs to its lack of parking.

“We have not had a building survey done in a couple of years. I am recommending a new building survey so we know what is wrong and what needs to be replaced,” said Fire Chief Bill Sohn.

The last survey was done in 2010 … If the survey is completed, the board could choose to go forward with renovations or pursue other next steps for its downtown South Elgin fire station.

The village of South Elgin has shown interest in buying the property, according to information from village officials during budget hearings this spring. Village Hall needs additional parking, and the police department is short on evidence storage.

The South Elgin and Countryside Fire District’s current State Street station has a long and complicated history, Sohn said. At one point, the district was a part of the village. Then, in about 1953, the fire district split from the village.

Th architects … “are going to tell us what we really need to do to stay there. We are not sure until they tell us, what the true conditions of the building are and can give us a quote,” she said.

The fire station houses two ambulances, two engines, a ladder truck, staff car, dive van and boat, plus an ATV. There is about two feet of walking space for firefighters to fit between apparatus.

Over the years, the building has had three additions and numerous remodels. One of those additions was a second story in about 1982, to provide sleeping quarters for firemen.

Sohn said he doesn’t want to see good money go after bad. The concrete apron behind the building is crumbling, and the bay floors were built to hold firefighting apparatus that are 20 tons lighter than those they now operate.

thanks Dan

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New truck for Romeoville

This from Ron Wolkoff:

Romeoville purchased this stock aerial unit from Smeal.

new fire truck for the Romeoville Fire Department

Smeal photo

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Working fire in Chicago, 7-20-15

This from Eric Haak:

Chicago had a still and box Monday in an auto repair shop at 31st and Kostner.  It was putting up a lot of heavy black smoke but was under control fairly quick.  The first image was taken 15 minutes in.  Once Tower Ladder 54 was put to work, things darkened down real quick.
fire trucks at fire scene in Chicago

Eric Haak photo

firemen with hose line at fire scene

Eric Haak photo

Chicago FD Engine 99

Eric Haak photo

fireman o roof with smoke

Eric Haak photo

fireman o roof with smoke

Eric Haak photo

firemen with hose line at fire scene

Eric Haak photo

firemen at fire scene

Eric Haak photo

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