Excerpts from the Herald-News.com:
(New Lenox FPD photo)The New Lenox Fire Protection District has sworn in four new firefighters and promoted seven people to lieutenant.The district has sworn in firefighter/paramedics John Burke, Brent Havener, Weston Lancaster and Joseph Ward, according to a department news release. The four were next in line on the eligibility list and have worked as contract employees with the district.
“Making it onto the eligibility list does not mean you will become a district employee during those two years,” Fire Chief Steve Engledow said in the release. “It is a very big deal, and the dream of many firefighters, to become a district employee. We were very excited to be able to bring these firefighters aboard to the district.”
Seven were also promoted to the rank of lieutenant. The were Brian Applegate, Mathew Buckley, Eric Chellios, Michael Parkhurst, Jeffrey Petschinsky, Lucas Rettke and Dan Reynolds.
“These promotions were all well-deserved,” Engledow said in the release. “These firefighters have all worked extremely hard to get to where they are, and we couldn’t be prouder of them for their efforts.”
thanks Dan