This from Niko Stefani:
I went to Lake Forest’s working fire Tuesday evening. They had the full working fire response and they also requested an investigators Box Alarm
There are no pictures of the house out of respect to the homeowners. Here is a run down of companies:
- Lake Forest: Engine Co. 422, Engine Co. 421, Ambulance 421, Battalion 42, 4201, 4200
- Lake Bluff Rescue Co. 4520
- Deerfield-Bannockburn Engine Co. 19 & Ambulance 19
- Lincolnshire-Riverwoods Truck Co. 53
- Highwood Truck Co. 37 & 3700
Here are my fire photos: are pictures of Lincolnshire-Riverwoods Truck Co. 53, Deerfield Bannockburn Ambulance 19, and Highwood Truck Co. 37
#1 by Josh on January 30, 2015 - 8:11 AM
You need to know what to look out for when your at a fire scene, know what’s right and what’s not. If someone messes something up at a fire while taking pictures, fire departments or PD might not less us do what we do. It’s a great hobby and you learn a lot from going to fires. So just be careful and think about others.
#2 by GFD213 on January 30, 2015 - 7:24 AM
Robert, What I meant was that there isn’t a lot of younger ones joining the clubs. When you go to hobby shops, it is a older crowd. They have the interest, but it seems to be more on-line. One other thing about Niko. He appears to have respected the police line.
#3 by Robert on January 29, 2015 - 9:37 PM
I totally agree with GFD only thing I’ll disagree on is that there aren’t a lot of younger people following. My children and their friends follow this site. A lot of coworkers and their child follow. Sometimes at the fire house we will find ourselves looking at this site. It’s a great site. Everyone does their part in making it great. Just sometimes the comments are a little rude. But I’m sure people can work on that.
#4 by GFD213 on January 29, 2015 - 5:48 PM
I always thought us old timers in the fire service were supposed to mentor the young guys. Niko is only 15. Like my son, he is very interested in the fire service and photography. He is facebook buddies with my son and seems like a good kid. In case you haven’t noticed, there isn’t a lot of young guys following us in this great job and hobby. Stop complaining and lead by example. Niko, keep posting photos. You are doing good.
#5 by Tim Olk on January 29, 2015 - 9:39 AM
2 story house fire started on the second floor, fire was put out, not much more, good job by Lake Forest Fire
#6 by FARTIN' FRED on January 29, 2015 - 9:29 AM
After all this back-and-forth, now I wanna see pics of the doggone house. How bout someone go take pics of the house now, so we can see the AFTERMATH. Better chance of me not being GASSY, than the homeowner finding this site, & thus the pics.
#7 by Tim Olk on January 29, 2015 - 9:26 AM
Thanks Drew That’s Kinda What I Was Going To Say.
#8 by Crabby Milton on January 29, 2015 - 9:23 AM
I understand your point. Perhaps other shutterbugs behaved like turdbaskets thereby spoiling for others.
#9 by MM on January 29, 2015 - 9:14 AM
Crabby…while I’d never go out of my way to upset a LEO the fact of the matter is there is NOTHING wrong with taking as many pictures of ANY scene you want as long as you’re on public property (or private property with owner’s permission) and aren’t interfering with operations. No matter what a homeowner desires. HIPAA/patient privacy does not apply in any way, shape, or form to photographers. If I take pictures of a MVA or a fire (or any incident for that matter), I can do whatever I desire with them, no matter what or who they show. I’m not saying it’s the most ethical or morally correct thing ever, but there’s nothing illegal about it.
Most professional and private photographers who shoot emergency scenes I know carry around the applicable laws/codes regarding this, in case they come across an unreasonable or misinformed officer.
#10 by Crabby Milton on January 29, 2015 - 6:05 AM
I guess we all can be guilty of being rude in life and I certainly am not exempt from such accusations. If the homeowner was uncomfortable with people taking pictures of their house, the best thing to do is to just not take them and respect the officers who instructed people not to do that. Beats me why people want to try to make cops mad. They don’t need that these days so some people really need to grow up. The only observation I have with HWD is that you say you want to be left alone yet you have a FACEBOOK page. My advise to you with that is either ignore the rude comments or stay away from FACEBOOK.
#11 by FFEMT on January 29, 2015 - 2:01 AM
It’s a little spotlight. There’s a small remote control in the cab.
#12 by Chris S on January 29, 2015 - 1:22 AM
Can anyone tell me what that single dome light is on cab roof of A19, thanks.
#13 by Tom Foley on January 28, 2015 - 11:05 PM
Too bad there isn’t a “like” button to the comments. Thanks, Drew!
#14 by Drew on January 28, 2015 - 9:56 PM
A couple interesting points have been raised here, so I thought I should comment and address them. First, @ Martin, this is not just a page for “fire buffs”, it’s a page for anyone who would like to learn about the fire service and/or share their fire service experiences with others with the same interests. There are lots of “buffs” on here as well as career/part-time/volly FFs etc. Also, @ FFEMT, could not have said it better myself. Finally, as for the “out of respect” comments, if you are on public property you can take pictures of anyone’s house. Being on private property is entirely different. But, if you are in the street, not in the way of first responders, and not past any scene tape, no one, including police officers, have the right to say you cannot take a picture of the house, rigs etc. Learn your rights and toughen up a bit and you might not get the criticism you got here.
#15 by Martin Nowak on January 28, 2015 - 9:29 PM
Some of you commentators on this site come off a little too rude. Who knows the real reasoning. Were you there? I don’t think so. Maybe he knows the owner personally? Maybe he didn’t want to get the attention of the officers? Some towns have officers that aren’t fans of people taking pictures because they don’t know what will happen with those pictures. Sometimes an officer asks me and I tell them. Other times you just don’t want to deal with them. Also for the rest of you disrespectful people….Remember, this is a page for fire buffs. Keep your rude comments to yourself. Just enjoy the pictures of the rigs. We all are here for the same reason.
#16 by HWD37 on January 28, 2015 - 8:33 PM
all i’m going to say is sorry for my behavior if I insulted anyone. This isn’t a place for fighting. It’s a place to share pictures. So I also want to address that I have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Highwood FD. I live in the town and Love the department. Anything that I may have said may have been heard wrong or been said wrong by me. Again sorry for everything and I am done talking on here.
#17 by Ty on January 28, 2015 - 8:33 PM
guys cut the kid a break, were all here to show our passion with fire departments and stuff, Yeah he made a mistake but you guys really need to cut out saying stuff negative to him.
#18 by Mike on January 28, 2015 - 8:32 PM
So since there was recently an article about lake forest and their 2 man staffing in the paper. Did their understaffing have anything to do with this fire ending the way it did. If you staff your companies properly you won’t need as many outside companies to respond to help get basic fireground task accomplished. With that being said my hats off to the firemen who worked this fire. Being understaffed sucks and you guys worked your butts off.
#19 by FFEMT on January 28, 2015 - 8:28 PM
Kid…I really hope you’re not thinking about going into the fire service as a career. That attitude will get you ostracized and singled out from day one.
#20 by HWD37 on January 28, 2015 - 8:05 PM
Never said anywhere that i was a firefighter for Highwood. Also PD Yelled at people who were taking pictures so I decided not to because of the request out of the homeowner. Now if you actually have something nice to say I will accept it But I can do whatever I want so leave me alone please. All i’m trying to do is share my passion I have for this kind of stuff but instead i got yelled at by people who think they are top shit. Save it for other people. Not me
#21 by Frank on January 28, 2015 - 7:35 PM
Something is weird with this kid niko is he a ff for Highwood on Facebook he claims to be a ff or work on the fd
#22 by Chuck on January 28, 2015 - 6:05 PM
So why, out of respect to a Lake Forest homeowner, do you not post pictures of the home, but yet just about any other town you would? That comes across as a shade unusual.