This from Brian Murphy:
These photos are of a single-family house fire on the west side of Villa Park, taken during a very cold and snowy winter afternoon in the early- to mid-1990’s. At the time the pictures were taken, units from Villa Park (including call-backs), Elmhurst, Lombard, and Addison were either on-scene or en route. Unsure if it was a General Alarm or a First-Level MABAS Box.All photos were taken using a 35mm pocket camera- no digital or smartphones back then! Hope you enjoy the brief trip down memory lane!I will send more as time permits!Best Regards,Brian Murphy

Line off of the rear of first-due engine from Villa Park Northside fire station. Brian Murphy photo

Fire venting through the roof; in foreground is Villa Park Engine 4 (reserve rig). Brian Murphy photo

Note smoke hanging low to ground- very cold day! Also note 2 1/2″ supply line from hydrant down the block at corner. Brian Murphy photo

Lots of cold smoke. Villa Park Engine 5 in background- late 60’s or early 70’s Pirsch. Brian Murphy photo

Villa Park Engine 4- late 60’s or early 70’s Pirsch, similar to Engine 5. Brian Murphy photo

Engine 4- officer’s side. Brian Murphy photo

Elmhurst Truck 1- 1977 Mack/Pirsch 100′ aerial ladder. Refurbished late 80’s or early 90’s by RPI . Brian Murphy photo
#1 by Brian Murphy on August 22, 2014 - 4:53 PM
No problem Dan- I can’t find anymore, but I will continue to look. Perhaps John Tuliapano can dig some up…
If anyone has any ELMHURST fire scene pics from the 60’s, 70’s or 80’s, that would be cool…(hint).
#2 by Dan T on August 22, 2014 - 8:51 AM
Thanks for sharing Brian. I was on VPFD in those days, not sure if I was on this one or not. If you have any more VPFD photo’s from the 80’s to mid 90’s I would love to see them!
#3 by Brian Murphy on August 21, 2014 - 10:52 PM
My pleasure, John! I think I saw you trying to stay warm while taking some pictures at another more recent cold and snowy fire involving a certain foundry building. You seemed to be having more fun than the rest of us ‘surround and drown’ technicians (with frozen feet) who were making one large skating rink. And picking up frozen LDH.
I’d love to know exactly when the Villa Park fire occurred. There are no dates on my photos (thanks Osco). I found them in my office in an old photo envelop. Looking forward to your pictures! And what a small world, eh?
#4 by John Tulipano on August 21, 2014 - 9:34 PM
Thanks for sharing Brian, I am in the foreground of photo #2 the other guy with the camera! I’ll try and dig up the date and my photos of the fire next week!
#5 by Brian Murphy on August 21, 2014 - 2:48 PM
Glad to share! FYI, Elmhurst had a sister unit to Truck 1- it was an absolutely identical 1981 or ’82 Pirsch 100′ aerial except that it had a Cinci cab. It ran out of Station 2 as (what else?) Truck 2 (it replaced a mid-50’s Seagrave ’70th Anniversary Series’ 85′ midmount quint). Both of these trucks carried lots of rescue gear, along with the usual truckie stuff. In effect, they were combo Truck/Squads (although never referred to as such). Interestingly, they both had a small ‘first aid’ pump (around 200 gpm or so) with a small booster tank. The intake and discharge where located inconspicuously inside a compartment. They also had old-school manual screw-type stabilizer jacks, also stowed inside compartments. Wish my department’s truck had outriggers like that! Then again, maybe not…
#6 by Fartin' Fred on August 21, 2014 - 11:24 AM
Nice pics down memory lane! Look at those ugly, ol’ trucks!
#7 by Evan Davis on August 21, 2014 - 10:54 AM
Excellent photos, thanks for sharing! I remember the old Elmhurst Truck 1!
#8 by Crabby Milton on August 21, 2014 - 7:12 AM
Nice old rigs. Pictures look good and it makes one wonder how we got long without digital cameras.