This from Eric Haak:
This fire on the 5300 block of South Justine occurred Saturday afternoon at 1245 hrs. Companies responding were Engines 116 and 123, Truck 33 and Tower Ladder 39, Battalion 19 along with Battalion 15 and Truck 18 with the RIT assignment. No rig shots with this one as both engine companies were running spares. There was some concern about communication to the rear porches of the exposure to the north, but everything was quickly contained. A resident of the address told me that the mother allegedly stepped out to go to the corner store when the fire was started by kids in the rear bedroom. During overhaul, the remnants of several mattresses were tossed out the rear window by members of Squad 5.

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo
#1 by Drew Smith on September 16, 2013 - 10:52 PM
Looks like the second picture is from the Glenview fire.