has an article about the Antioch Rescue Squad and their negotiations with the Village of Antioch to continue providing emergency medical services to area residents.
Troubled Rescue Squad Slips Another Notch
THE ANTIOCH RESCUE SQUAD (ARS) based in the Village of Antioch in Lake County, Illinois, has had plenty of problems over the past year, just about all of them their fault. And now they have helped create another one.
The ARS has been serving the Antioch Township for 72 years and is still an all-volunteer outfit covering the village as well as all the unincorporated areas of the township. Their current contract with the village is due to expire soon and they approached the Village Board with a proposal to extend the current contract for another year. On Monday night the board rejected the proposal and told the squad that they would agree to a 6-month extension instead. For some reason, the squad was unhappy with that deal and told the village that they would not agree and their association with the village would be terminated on July 1.
The board, seemingly angered by the squad’s cavalier attitude responded with notice that their affiliation would end on June 1 instead. Then the took immediate moves to line up a replacement service for the community. This may include cooperating with the fire department to take control over the new operation. The rescue squad will continue to serve the rest of the township.
The complete article with a summation of the various actions leading up to the current situation is HERE.
We posted previous articles HERE, HERE, and HERE.
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