Archive for August 28th, 2011

Wilmette dive box 8-27-11 update

Tim Olk submitted the following images of the recovery efforts at Gillson Park in Wilmette last night.

Wilmette Fire Department MABAS Division 3 divers recover swimmer that drowned 8-27-11

Chicago helicopter 6-8-2 flies overhead in an effort to spot the missing swimmer. Tim Olk photo

Wilmette Fire Department MABAS Division 3 divers recover swimmer that drowned 8-27-11

Evanston Fire Department divers are met with rough waves as they search for the swimmer. Tim Olk photo

Wilmette Fire Department MABAS Division 3 divers recover swimmer that drowned 8-27-11

Divers scan the area from the breakwater in addition to others woking in the water. Tim Olk photo

Wilmette Fire Department MABAS Division 3 divers recover swimmer that drowned 8-27-11

Divers receive instructions from the dive master on the beach regarding the search efforts. Tim Olk photo

Wilmette Fire Department MABAS Division 3 divers recover swimmer that drowned 8-27-11

An Evanston diver riding a sled pulled by the waverunner is ready to enter the water if they find the lost swimmer. Tim Olk photo

Wilmette Fire Department MABAS Division 3 divers recover swimmer that drowned 8-27-11

Divers are also stationed on the southern breakwater bounding the area where the swimmer was last seen. Tim Olk photo

Wilmette Fire Department MABAS Division 3 divers recover swimmer that drowned 8-27-11

The rescue/recovery operation took place over an hour at dusk in Lake Michigan off the beach at Gillson Park near the Wilmette/Evanston border. Tim Olk photo

Wilmette Fire Department MABAS Division 3 divers recover swimmer that drowned 8-27-11

A Wilmette diver rests after searching in the choppy waters for an hour. Tim Olk photo

Wilmette Fire Department MABAS Division 3 divers recover swimmer that drowned 8-27-11

The swimmer was found roughly an hour into the rescue operation and was attended to by several paramedics. He was transported from the beach to a waiting Wilmette Fire Department ambulance on a 6x6 ATV and then transported to Evanston Hospital where he was pronounced dead. Tim Olk photo

Tim has a gallery with more images HERE.

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FDNY Rescue 4 in Prospect Heights – update

FDNY Rescue 4 is no longer at Frie’s Automotive in Prospect Heights as was reported HERE and HERE. Rescue 4 is currently in DesPlaines, at Denny G’s Automotive for repairs & paint.

FDNY Rescue 4 was sold to a private owner

FDNY Rescue 4 as it was received by Chris Gantz.

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