Wouldn’t it be interesting to see photos of rigs on-scene or in action? We think it would. So, we thought we’d offer an opportunity … a challenge … an outlet … to share some images with others. Nothing fancy, just nice shots that showcase your department or your work. They can be current events or older shots. Images sent in will not be redistributed or shared elsewhere (with the exception of how people use or share these posts). We’re not looking for large files. Just consider sending us what you find interesting and feel that others will like to see as well.
This is just something we thought we’d try, and if it works and people submit images, well then that’s great. If not, .. well we can say that we tried! Depending on how many images come in, we might do a shot of the week, month or …. dare I say it … a shot of the day!
Images are always more interesting with a brief caption, so send a little bit (or a lot) of information along with the image. Please only send in your own photo, not one taken by someone else. We don’t want to upset anyone or infringe on their ownership.
Here’s a great example from Steve Redick.

Back porches on a vacant. Engine 95 had a nice shot to the rear as you can see in the photo. The smoke condition drifted across the expressway creating a jam up for a few minutes. Photo by Steve Redick