Posts Tagged E-ONE

Naperville is coming to the site

Naperville, in Division 16, currently has 10 stations. As can be imagined, it’s a large task to accumulate all of the information and photos to post the department at once. With that in mind, Andrew Hilk, Bill Friedrich, and Larry Shapiro are working toward that end. As of now, all 10 stations have pages on the site with placeholders for the assigned apparatus. Roughly a third of the apparatus photos have been posted but several vehicles have been reassigned and have not been photographed with their most recent numbering. In addition, there are new deliveries to keep up with as several fleet updates have occurred in the last year. Hopefully, it won’t be long before the entire department is portrayed to reflect complete accuracy.

Naperville EONE E-ONE Typhoon engine

Naperville has three of these engines - Engine 2, Engine 5 and Engine 13

Naperville Spartan Crimson Engine 3

One of the most recent engines in Naperville. This is one of three identical units (Engine 3, Engine 7 and Engine 8).

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Hometown Fire Department posted in Division 21

The volunteer fire department in Hometown has been added with photos from Karl Klotz. Hometown is in Division 21 and has one station. They have two Road Rescue ambulances, one Pierce engine, one E-ONE engine, and a buggy. They have a small district which is just 0.5 square miles.

Hometown E-ONE Typhoon engine

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Tinley Park updates

Karl Klotz stopped by Tinley Park last week so that he could provide some updated photos for the site. The page for Station 1 now has photos of Battalion 201 and Battalion 202, while the page for Station 2 has an updated photo of the tower ladder which is now lettered as Truck Co 202 (previously it was lettered as 203).

Tinley Park Tower Ladder Truck 202

Shown here with the updated lettering.

Tinley Park Tower Ladder Truck 203

Previously it was lettered as Truck Co 203.

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