Posts Tagged Darien Woodridge FPD Ladder 89

House fire in Darien, 7-27-24

From Daniel Hynd:

The Darien-Woodridge FPD and auto/mutual aid companies worked a house fire in the 8700 Blk of Carlisle Ct yesterday, 7-27-24. Crews arrived to find heavy fire from a rear deck that eventually spread to the attic.

Full album on my website; #DanielHynd; #Darien; #housefire; #flames;

Daniel Hynd photo; #DanielHynd; #Darien; #housefire; #flames;

Daniel Hynd photo; #DanielHynd; #Darien; #housefire; #flames;

Daniel Hynd photo; #DanielHynd; #Darien; #housefire; #firefighters;

Daniel Hynd photo; #DanielHynd; #Darien; #housefire; #flames;

Daniel Hynd photo; #DanielHynd; #Darien; #housefire; #firefighters;

Daniel Hynd photo; #DanielHynd; Firetruck; #Pierce; #Lisle-WoodridgeFPD;

Daniel Hynd photo; #DanielHynd; Firetruck; #Pierce; #WestmontFD;

Daniel Hynd photo; #DanielHynd; Firetruck; #Pierce; #Lisle-WoodridgeFPD;

Daniel Hynd photo; #DanielHynd; Firetruck; #Pierce; #Tri-StateFPD;

Daniel Hynd photo

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As seen around … Darien

From Daniel Hynd:

Darien Woodridge FPD Ladder 89 is back in service after it’s year-long refurbishment at Pierce. I know it has paint and body work done in the range of $45,000, but I’m not sure if anything else was done to it.
Darien Woodridge FPD Ladder 89

Daniel Hynd photo
