Posts Tagged Chicago Fire Department

New engines for Chicago (more)

This from Danny Nelms:

New engine 30 at the academy.

JC Medina Photo 
new E-ONE fire engine in Chicago

JC Medina photo

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New engines for Chicago (more)

This from Danny Nelms:

More pics to add from Engine 81’s change to the new rig from Marty Gatton

Chicago FD Engine Company 81 with their new engine and their old engine

Marty Gatton photo

Chicago FD Engine Company 81 with their new engine and their old engine

Marty Gatton photo

2020 E-ONE Cyclone fire engine in Chicago

Marty Gatton photo

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New engines for Chicago (more)

This from Danny Nelms:

Engine 81 switched into the new rig Thursday

Ron Krouse photo
Chicago FD Engine Company 81 with their new engine and their old engine

Ron Krouse photo

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Fire service news – Coronavirus COVID-19

Excerpts from

Some Chicago firefighters and paramedics will now be tested for coronavirus before and after work at specific firehouses. It begins today at two firehouses.

At least nine Chicago Fire Department members who work at the firehouse at 71st and Parnell have tested positive for COVID-19, and there may be more. “Hot” houses like that one are prompting the city and CFD to start shift change testing for the illness as a way to keep it from spreading as department cases keep rising. Several firehouses fit the “hot” criteria, including those at O’Hare and Midway. The firefighters’ union bought thermometers for every firehouse recently as an added symptom check layer.

In addition to firehouse testing, effective this week, all CFD firefighters are required to wear masks in rigs and firehouses.

Currently 151 department members have tested positive for COVID-19. 82 of those have recovered and are back to work, and 31 members are in self-quarantine.

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New engines for Chicago (more)

This from Danny Nelms:

Here is a new JC Medina photo of Engine 93.
2020 E-ONE Cyclone fire engine in Chicago

JC Medina photo

more photos HERE

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Box alarm fire in Chicago, 4-23-20 (more)

More photos from the Box alarm fire in Chicago, 4-23-20

Chicago fire trucks on scene

Tim Olk photo

Firefighter with hose line at fire

Tim Olk photo

Firefighters in buckets at work

Tim Olk photo

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Box alarm fire in Chicago, 4-23-20

This from Steve Redick:

Box at 3803 W. Grand Avenue, Thursday 4/23/20. Vacant building, the site of previous fires. 

E-ONE Cyclone tower ladder

Steve Redick photo

Rosenbauer Commander ACP-55

Steve Redick photo

Spartan fire engine in Chicago

Steve Redick photo

Rosenbauer Commander ACP-55

Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Tower Ladder 14

Steve Redick photo

Chicago fire scene

Steve Redick photo

Chicago fire engine on scene

Steve Redick photo

Chicago fire truck on scene

Steve Redick photo

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Fire service news – Coronavirus COVID-19 (more)

Excerpts from

A funeral was held Wednesday for Edward Singleton, the second Chicago firefighter to die from coronavirus complications. He passed away April 14 at age 55 and leaves behind a wife and two adult children.

While a traditional funeral service is not possible during these times, immediate family was allowed inside the funeral home while friends and fellow firefighters remained in their parked vehicles outside. A live stream allowed loved ones to join in mourning. Following the service, a procession accompanied Singleton’s hearse to Mt. Hope Cemetery.

As of today, 130 Chicago firefighters have been diagnosed with COVID-19. 

Both Chicago Fire Department deaths were declared in the line-of-duty, so their families could access additional benefits.

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Fire service news – Coronavirus COVID-19 (more)

Excerpts from

 The Chicago Fire Department announced Monday that the families of two Chicago firefighters who died of COVID-19 will receive line-of-duty benefits. The benefits will provide the families of Mario Araujo and Edward Singleton with one-year’s salary and funds for funeral expenses. The department will also assist the families in obtaining other federal, state, and local benefits afforded to members who have died in the line of duty.

“Our current situation is unprecedented in the history of our department and will be addressed accordingly,” Fire Commissioner Richard Ford II said in the statement. “These two members made the ultimate sacrifice to protect those whom they swore an oath to serve. We will not forget our obligation to their families in this time of crisis.”

Any death of a CFD member will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis for determination of line-of-duty status, he said.

Singleton, a 33-year veteran of the department, died April 14 from complications of COVID-19. The 55-year-old worked at the firehouse at Midway Airport, and leaves behind a wife and two adult children. One week earlier, Araujo became the first firefighter of the department to die from the coronavirus. Araujo, 47, joined the fire department in October 2003. He was single.

As of Friday evening, 109 members of CFD have tested positive for COVID-19, while 37 of them have already returned to duty. There were 12 members quarantined after being exposed to someone who later tested positive for the disease.

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Fire service news – Coronavirus COVID-19 (more)

Excerpts from

A second Chicago firefighter has died from COVID-19. The Chicago Fire Department announced Wednesday that Firefighter Edward Singleton, 55, died Tuesday night. Singleton was assigned to Midway Airport and joined the department in 1987. He leaves behind a wife and two adult children.

Last Monday, a funeral was held for Mario Araujo, who was the first Chicago firefighter to die from COVID-19 complications.

While new deaths are still being reported, there is also evidence that Chicago is flattening the curve. The mayor and Chicago Public Health Department commissioner spoke in detail about steps, like the stay-at-home order, that have had a positive impact.

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