This from Chi-Town Fire Photos:
Working fire up on the roof of this occupied building @ 4300 s Wabash. Companies lead out a line up Truck 11’s main and knocked the fire down quickly.
Nov 9
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | Comments off
This from Chi-Town Fire Photos:
Working fire up on the roof of this occupied building @ 4300 s Wabash. Companies lead out a line up Truck 11’s main and knocked the fire down quickly.
Chi-Town Fire Photos
Tags: chi-town fire photos, Chicago FD Engine 45, Chicago FD spare engine at fire scene, Chicago FD Truck 11, Chicago Fire Department, Crimson aerial at fire scene, fire scene photos, spare Chicago Seagrave aerial ladder at fire scene, Spartan Crimson aerial in Chicago
From chicagoland_fire_photos on Instagram:
A visit to the quaters of engine 19
Home to:Engine 19 (spare d-545)Truck 11Ambo 46-4-5 was stopping by to fix an air pack
chicagoland_fire_photos on Instagram
Tags: CFD Air Mask Unit 6-4-5, Chicago FD Truck 11, Chicago Fire Station, Chicago fire trucks, Chicagoland_fire_photos on instagram, spare Chicago fire engine in service
Feb 20
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | 5 Comments
This from Steve Redick:
Companies working
on 12-30-07 during a Still & Box at 7041 Overhill at a 3-11 at 820 W 36th St on August 30, 2007
Steve Redick photo
Tags: 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, Chicago FD Truck 11, Chicago Fire Department, fire scene photo, Steve Redick
This from Steve Redick:
- 5-11-39, 3-11 and 6 specials at 3532 E 103rd st
Rosenbaum & Norris Grain Elevators E-37 trip 1hr 28min / pumped 53 hrs 35min / on the west bank of the Calumet River. In this image if you look closely there are 7 foxes drafting visible and a steamer in ther background. I aquired this image from the collection of Howard Hensel. I think he may have been the photographer, it appears to be an original picture, very small in size.- Looks like he sent the first picture to the Ahrens Fox Fire Engine Company and he received a cool reply on original company letterhead from John Ahrens
- Another Howard Hensel shot of Truck 2
- Truck 11 1930
- I believe Howard was a friend of my mentor Jack Turner. I’m pretty sure Jack gave me these images.
5-11-39, 3-11 and 6 specials at 3532 E 103rd st – Rosenbaum & Norris Grain Elevators
Howard Hensel shot of Chicago FD Truck 2
Howard Hensel shot of Chicago FD Truck 11 1930
Tags: Chicago FD Ahrens Fox fire engines pumping together, Chicago FD Truck 11, Chicago FD Truck 2, Chicago Fire Department history, historic fire in Chicago, historic fire truck photos, historic photos of Chicago fire trucks, Howard Hensel, vintage 3-11 alarm fire in Chicago 5-11-39
Jul 15
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | Comments off
This from Josh Boyajian:
I took in a Still in a high-rise Thursday @ 3245 S Prairie. First companies reported nothing showing from a 9-sty building. When I arrived, Battalion 2 requested a Box & Plan for a working fire on the 2nd floor. There was a little fire showing on the 2nd floor in the rear of the building. Engine 19 had a long lead out to the fire room. The fire was brought under control very quick.
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Tags: Chicago FD Engine 19, Chicago FD Truck 11, Chicago Fire Department, Josh Boyajian, smoke from high-rise building fire in Chicago, Still & Box Alarm fire in Chicago
Images from Steve Redick:
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Tags: Chicago FD Engine 19, Chicago FD Truck 11, Chicago FD Truck 51, Chicago fire apparatus, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago fire truck photos, Chicago SpartanERV aerial, fire truck photos, memorial for Chicago FD dog, Steve Redick
This from Josh Boyajian:
Here is a shot of Truck Co. 11 and Battalion 21. Thought id pass them along.Truck 11’s shop number is FD-E347Battalion 21’s new shop number is FD-B572
Chicago Truck 11. Josh Boyajian photo
2014 Ford Explorer for Battalion 21. Josh Boyajian photo
Tags: Chicago FD Battalion 21, Chicago FD Truck 11, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Fire Department Ford Explorer, Chicago SpartanERV aerial, fire truck photos, Josh Boyajian
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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