Tyler Tobolt submitted several images of the new firefighter memorial in Algonquin. which previously was mentioned HERE and HERE.

Tyler Tobolt photo

Tyler Tobolt photo

Tyler Tobolt photo

Tyler Tobolt photo

Tyler Tobolt photo
- Tyler Tobolt photo
Sep 22
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department News, Fire Service News, LODD, Reader submission | Comments off
Tyler Tobolt submitted several images of the new firefighter memorial in Algonquin. which previously was mentioned HERE and HERE.
Tyler Tobolt photo
Tyler Tobolt photo
Tyler Tobolt photo
Tyler Tobolt photo
Tyler Tobolt photo
Tags: 9/11 artifact, 9/11 memorial, 9/11 remembrance, 9/11 steel I-beams, Algonquin-Lake in the Hills Fire District, firefighter memorial, firefighters killed in the Line of Duty, NYC steel beam to be part of 9'/11 memorial in Algonquin, Tyler Tobolt
Aug 29
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department News, Fire Service News | Comments off
The Daily Herald has an article describing a firefighter memorial being built by the Algonquin-Lake in the Hills Firefighters Association:
The Algonquin-Lake in the Hills Firefighters Association is building the memorial on the north end of Riverfront Park. The location is particularly significant because the old firehouse used to be across the street until about eight years ago, firefighter/paramedic Dan Teson said.
Construction started last week, right after agreements were approved by the village of Algonquin and the fire protection district, and is on track to be finished in time for a Sept. 11 dedication, Teson said.
The memorial will consist of a brick paver circle 40 feet in diameter with the World Trade Center steel beam in the middle, and landscaping all around it, Teson said.
The firefighters association got the beam, which weighs more than 5,000 pounds, as a donation from The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Teson said. He and two other firefighters flew to New York City in November to accept the donation, and were met there by one of the firefighters’ father, who drove his truck, Teson said. The foursome picked up the beam at a hangar outside LaGuardia Airport, and father and son drove it back to Illinois.
“It absolutely does have an effect on you, when you sit there and physically touch a piece of something that was a major part of our history, probably one of the worst days that we’ve ever had in the U.S. To be able to be part of something like that in a positive manner, and pay tribute to all the people who died that day, it’s very meaningful,” he said.
The complete article can be found HERE.
thanks Chris
Tags: 9/11 memorial, 9/11 steel I-beams, Algonquin-Lake in the Hills Fire District, firefighter memorial, NYC steel beam to be part of 9'/11 memorial in Algonquin
Sep 13
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department History, Fire Department News | Comments off
The North Maine Fire Protection District received a section of steel from the World Trade Center wreckage and unveiled it on Sunday at a memorial service commemorating the 10th anniversary of the worst terrorist attacks to date on US soil. The artifact was incorporated into an existing 9/11 memorial in the Ridgewood Cemetery on Milwaukee Avenue.
Tim Olk attended the event and submitted these images.
Members of the North maine FPD honor guard stand by the department's 9/11 memorial which was unveiled at a ceremony on Sunday. Tim Olk photo
The 9/11 memorial which features a section of steel from the World Trade Center collapse was incorporated into an existing 9/11 memorial that features granite benches along a lake providing an area for quiet reflection. Tim Olk photo
A gallery with more images can be viewed HERE.
Tags: 9/11 anniversary, 9/11 artifact, 9/11 attack at the World Trade Center, 9/11 memorial, 9/11 remembrance, 9/11 steel I-beams, North Maine Fire Protection District, Tim Olk
Sep 12
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department History, Fire Department News | Comments off
The Park Ridge Fire and Police Departments had a memorial ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on Sunday, September 11, 2011. The event took place at Maine West High School on the corner of Dempster and Potter. There were several speakers on the agenda as well as the arrival of an artifact from the World Trade Center that was given to the city. The Chicago Highlanders Pipe and Drum Band along with the police and fire department honor guard escorted the steel beam into the ceremony. The artifact was in the bed of Park Ridge Engine 35 covered with an American flag and was treated in a manner to honor those who were killed that day. The honor guard carried the flag draped beam to the stage and kept a constant watch throughout the day to allow visitors to view the artifact.
Larry Shapiro attended the ceremony and submitted several images.
Members of the fire and police honor guard drape the steel beam with an American flag as they make final preparations before the 9/11 anniversary ceremony begins. Larry Shapiro photo
The Chicago Highlanders Pipe and Drum Band leads a somber processional down Potter Road as they escort the World Trade Center steel to the ceremony. Larry Shapiro photo
Following the pipe and drum band is the combined police/fire honor guard, a squad car, and an engine serving as a caisson with the steel beam. Larry Shapiro photo
Members of the honor guard walk on each side of the engine as it approaches the assembled visitors and dignitaries. Larry Shapiro photo
The engine carrying the steel with members of the honor guard. Larry Shapiro photo
The flag draped steel is carried to the front steps of the high school where it will rest during the ceremony. Larry Shapiro photo
The ceremony included a 21-gun salute from the Park Ridge VFW color guard. Larry Shapiro photo
A bell ringing ceremony recognized the first responders that were killed. Larry Shapiro photo
A local resident performed taps to complete the bell ringing ceremony. Larry Shapiro photo
The honor guard stands watch over the beam during ceremony. Larry Shapiro photo
As the ceremony concluded, the honor guard folded the flag which was used to cover the 9/11 artifact. Larry Shapiro photo
More images can be viewed HERE.
Tags: 9/11 anniversary, 9/11 artifact, 9/11 attack at the World Trade Center, 9/11 memorial, 9/11 remembrance, 9/11 steel I-beams, Chicago Highlanders Pipe and Drum Band, honor guard stands watch over the 9/11 steel beam, Larry Shapiro, Park Ridge Fire Department, Park Ridge Police Department
Sep 12
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department News, Fire Service News | Comments off
On Saturday, September 10th, The Lincolnshire-Riverwoods FPD held a ceremony recognizing the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks that took place in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania. As part of the event, the fire district unveiled a memorial in front of the headquarters station which includes a piece of steel from ground zero at the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan.
Larry Shapiro was at the ceremony and submitted several images.
Several speakers addressed the gathering at the Lincolnshire-Riverwoods FPD headquarters station on Saturday to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks. Larry Shapiro photo
Many residents and family members attended the 9/11 ceremony on Saturday as a large flag suspended from the aerial flew overhead. Larry Shapiro photo
Members of the honor guard lowered the flag to half mast at the exact time that each of the towers collapsed 10 years ago. Larry Shapiro photo
A bell ringing ceremony was part of the remembrance. Larry Shapiro photo
The memorial incorporating steel from ground zero was unveiled towards the end of the ceremony. Larry Shapiro photo
The beam rests on a brick pedestal with a commemorative plaque. Larry Shapiro
The bronze plaque depicts all three of the sites where Americans were killed on 9/11/01. Larry Shapiro photo
On the opposite side a custom brick honors the 343 members of the FDNY that died at ground zero. Larry Shapiro photo
A gallery with more images can be viewed HERE.
Tags: 9/11 anniversary, 9/11 artifact, 9/11 attack at the World Trade Center, 9/11 memorial, 9/11 remembrance, 9/11 steel I-beams, Larry Shapiro, Lincolnshire-Riverwoods Fire Protection District, Lincolnshire-Riverwoods FPD
The fire department will be unveiling their WTC memorial as well. LRFPD acquired a steel beam from the WTC and will be unveiling their memorial to those who perished that day.
Tags: 9/11 anniversary, 9/11 artifact, 9/11 attack at the World Trade Center, 9/11 memorial, 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb, 9/11 remembrance, 9/11 stair climb, 9/11 steel I-beams, Chicago Fire Department, Lincolnshire-Riverwoods Fire Protection District
Sep 1
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department News, Fire Service News | Comments off
The Chicago Tribune has an article about a piece of World Trade Center steel being received by the Frankfort FPD.
A steel beam from the World Trade Center is on display at the Frankfort Fire Station No 1. The beam, mangled and twisted from the attacks, is nearly seven feet long.
When Fire Chief Jim Grady learned pieces of the wreckage were being made available to fire departments across the country Grady said he wrote the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to request a portion for a memorial in Frankfort.
The Tribune article is HERE and a TribLocal article is HERE.
Tags: 9/11 artifact, 9/11 attack at the World Trade Center, 9/11 memorial, 9/11 remembrance, 9/11 steel I-beams, Frankfort Fire Protection District
Jun 21
Posted by bgshap in Fire Service News | Comments off
Dennis McGuire, Jr. was asked to pass along the following information regarding two upcoming events:
On Thursday, June 23, 2011 as part of the 9/11 Anniversary planning, the Warriors Watch Riders have been asked to escort a 600lb., 10′ section of steel from the NY World Center Twin Towers to our local Darien/Tri-State Fire Protection District for use in a permanent memorial to the victims of 9/11.
This piece of history will be passing through Chi-Town Harley Davidson to be escorted on to Darien, IL.
The staging information is as follows:
On Friday, June 24th, please be on hand to welcome home TSGT. Robert Head, USAF.
Staging information is as follows:
Tags: 9/11 artifact, 9/11 memorial, 9/11 remembrance, 9/11 steel I-beams, Darien-Woodridge Fire Protection District, Tri-State Fire Protection District, Warriors Watch Riders
Jun 11
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department News, Fire Service News | Comments off
An article in the Niles Herald Spectator mentions that the Park Ridge Fire Department has been selected to receive a piece of steel that has been salvaged from the 9/11 attack at the World Trade Towers.
The Park Ridge Fire Department is set to receive its own piece of the World Trade Center.
With the unwrapping of the North Maine Fire Department’s 6-foot-long steel artifact this week comes word that Park Ridge has also been selected as a recipient of a piece of steel salvaged from the wreckage of the Twin Towers.
Deputy Fire Chief Jeff Sorensen said the Park Ridge Fire Department has been approved for an artifact, and members of the department are working through the necessary steps required to actually obtain it.
The piece of steel is believed to weigh between 200 and 300 pounds. and measures 6 or 7 feet long, Sorensen said.
The complete article can be found HERE.
Thanks to Dennis McGuire, Jr. for finding the article.
Tags: 9/11 artifact, 9/11 attack at the World Trade Center, 9/11 memorial, 9/11 steel I-beams, Dennis McGuire Jr., Deputy Chief Jeff Sorensen, Park Ridge Fire Department, World Trade Center
Jun 11
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department News, Fire Service News | Comments off
The Daily Herald has an article today about the North Maine Fire Protection District receiving a six-foot steel I-beam from the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. North Maine and Des Plaines were both awarded 9/11 artifacts to be used in local memorials as mentioned HERE. Excerpts from today’s article:
The North Maine Fire Protection District this week unveiled a 6-foot-long, 4-inch-wide steel remnant of the World Trade Center towers in New York City that collapsed on Sept. 11, 2001.
North Maine fire officials opened the sealed box bearing the artifact during a public ceremony Monday night at the fire headquarters on Potter Road.
The beam will become part of an existing Sept. 11 memorial at nearby Ridgewood Cemetery in Des Plaines, Fire Marshal Arnie Witzke said.
“The artifact itself is the perfect size and we couldn’t have asked for anything better,” Witzke said. “All that remains is to incorporate this artifact into the existing memorial at Ridgewood Cemetery and we all hope it will be ready for display this coming 10th anniversary of Sept. 11, 2011. It will truly add to the meaning of the annual moment of reflection that we all seem to hold every year since 2001.”
North Maine Fire District, which serves unincorporated Maine Township, applied for a piece of the wreckage to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which maintains an archive of materials salvaged from the World Trade Center ruins.
More than 900,000 applicants sought a remnant of the towers, including fire departments in Carpentersville and Mundelein that are awaiting their artifacts.
Des Plaines recently received a similar Sept. 11 artifact — a 114-pound steel girder standing 33 inches high and 11 inches deep and wide that was among the supports holding up the Twin Towers. The rusted beam will be memorialized, likely outside city hall, on the 10th anniversary of the attacks.
The complete article can be found HERE.
Tags: 9/11 artifact, 9/11 attack at the World Trade Center, 9/11 memorial, 9/11 steel I-beams, Des Plaines Fire Department, Mundelein FIre Department, North Maine Fire Protection District
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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