Chicago was called to a reported fire in a 3-story building, vacant on the upper floors and stores on the ground level. They found heavy fire in the basement on arrival and called for the high-expansion foam unit. Prior to putting that into service, companies were ordered out of the building and they went defensive.
A 2-11 Alarm was requested followed later by the 3-11. Two tower ladders went to work along with Squad 5A (Snorkel) and the reserve Snorkel (661) and one of the turret wagons (676). There were also several hand lines and multi-versals in use.
Several of our contributors were at the scene and there will be several posts with images and videos.
From CFD Media:
- 6308 S Halsted 3-11 alarm 3-story 100×200. CFD companies working.
- CFD in defensive mode making progress no transports at this time.
- CFD continues to fight the fire on Halsted, 3-11 alarm. No transports CFD will be on scene for an extended period. Will update with changes
- Incident commander will be conducting a media briefing in 5 minutes on the corner of 63rd and Halsted at the scene of the 3-11
- 0305: 3-11 secured. No transports. CFD on scene chasing hot spots. Cause under investigation.

Steve Redick photo

Larry Shapiro photo

Larry Shapiro photo
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