The first of two 2-11 Alarm fires in Chicago on 12/22/18 was at 7051 N. Clark Street (more)
This from
I took in the 2-11 on Clark Street Saturday and arrived about 40 minutes into the fire. Totally defensive at that time. Numerous hand lines and master streams working. I took some shots of the new Engines 59 and 71 pumping as well as Engines 102 and 70. New TL 21 was set up and ready to go but I don’t think they ever flowed any water.

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chi-Town Fire Photos
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#1 by Mike L on December 27, 2018 - 10:09 AM
Nice to see the green lights coming back. It is a tradition unique to Chicago as are the black roofs. Sure, everybody copied it but they are the original and it was disapointing when the powers to be eliminated them. As minor as it is, removing 100 year old tradition can affect morale and effects a change that is unnecessary and has no bearing on operations.
#2 by harry on December 26, 2018 - 5:27 PM
the green light on the tower 21 don’t like it otherwise truck
#3 by crabbymilton on December 26, 2018 - 2:59 PM
Very nice pics.
102 looks good at work as does 2a.
#4 by Aidan Hughes on December 26, 2018 - 1:19 PM
It was so great to see Engine 102 and Truck 25 operate near their old station. When is Truck 47’s frontline returning to service?