More on the remounting of the CFD small turret wagons:
This from Tyler Tobolt:
Photo of 6-7-6 and 6-7-3. Also at the Location where 4-5-5 was.

CFD 6-7-3 and 6-7-6 with the turrets removed. Tyler Tobolt photo

Paramedic Field Chief 4-5-5. Tyler Tobolt photo
#1 by rja on July 31, 2013 - 7:38 AM
In regards to 671 let’s face it. We are talking about the CFD. If it wasn’t for these last major fires over the last year these two rigs would have went bye bye. I really truly hope I’m wrong, but I would say that 671 is going to the scrap heap. I wouldn’t count on the city buying a chassis to remount it as it wouldn’t fit on a p/u chassis. They are not about to spent 55,000 on a truck chassis or spend the time to look for a good used one. And I doubt they would take say one of the old truck chassis and cut it to fit. We are lucky they decided to remount these two.
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#2 by NJ on July 10, 2013 - 9:13 AM
There is no sane rationale for not remounting 6-7-1. As we have seen there are fires that need and fully justify large turret wagons. To leave the city with none (barring resurrecting an ancient unit in extreme cases) is negligent. The cost to remount is minimal compared to most costs and would last another 25 to 30 years.
#3 by Bill Post on July 10, 2013 - 3:47 AM
That’s good that they are remounting the piping from 673 and 676 but I was wondering if they have changed their minds regarding 671 and have decided to remount it’s piping as well?
It’s ironic that while it’s true that New York City might not have the exact same conditions as Chicago , they still are similar in some ways and New York has remounted it’s 6 (yes ,6) large Stang Type monitors several times already on their Satellite hose wagon chassis over the years.
The New York City Fire Departments large Monitors are very similar the large monitors on 671 however they mount them on hose Wagons (on a Mack MR (now known as Terra Pro) chassis) and they respond to extra alarms with a 2000 gpm (gallons per minute) pumper that they are located with.
Since the late 1970’s the 6 Engines that were located with the Satellite hose wagons were New York city’s only 2000 gpm pumpers however over the last few years all of New York city’s Engine companies are being replaced with new 2,000 gpm pumpers after being rated at only 1,000 gpm in previous years. That’s beside the point however.
#4 by Turk_WLF on July 9, 2013 - 2:38 PM
All I see is that 4-5-5 was there along with 6-7-3 & 6-7-6.
I could see 4-5-5 swinging by to see how they’re doing on 6-7-3 & 6-7-6. (I know I would if I had the time)
Thanks Tyler for sharing the pics with us.
#5 by NJ on July 9, 2013 - 10:44 AM
Interesting (dumb) that they put both units OOS at the same time. Why not leave one in service till the other is done?
#6 by NJ on July 9, 2013 - 10:10 AM
Everything from the color to the make to the lighting scheme matches Schaumburg public works dump trucks. Why invent anything else beyond what it is??
#7 by Eric Haak on July 9, 2013 - 10:09 AM
To add to everyone’s comments, this fabrication shop handles all kinds of municipal business. This is not a CFD shop. When you go there, there are all kinds of Streets & San equipment, O’Hare equipment, CPD vehicles, Traffic Administration, CTA administration vehicles, etc that are waiting to be worked on or to get lettered. It appears that every piece of new equipment that the city gets is sent here to be lettered. Over the past few months there have been some beautiful, brand new trucks in the lot waiting to be put into service, including several new , HUGE airport plows. I don’t believe that the red plow has any chance of being a CFD vehicle and it has been parked there for a while. As for the progress on the deluge units. One of the new rigs has new diamondplate completely covering the chassis and the intake ports have been added to the rear of the rig. As of yesterday, the turrets were not attached yet and were sitting along the side of the rig.
#8 by NJ on July 9, 2013 - 9:17 AM
I’m guessing they’re just going to dump it……
#9 by Shaan smith on July 9, 2013 - 9:04 AM
Or It is a dump truck for the Chicago fire department
#10 by nate on July 9, 2013 - 1:30 AM
Cfd doesnt need plow trucks they have streets n san for that
#11 by chris r on July 9, 2013 - 1:06 AM
YOU GUYS ARE LKE A BUNCH OF LITTLE OLD LADES WTH YOUR GOSSIP , NO ONE KNOWS WHAT DUMP TRUCK IS FOR , EVERYBODY HAS A GUESS , WTH NO FACTS , BE IT RIGHT OR WRONG . WHAT EVER IT IS WE WLL FIND OUT , SOONER OR LATER ????????? I say they are going to use the chassis from the dump truck to make a redo of big moe or its part of trt team or they are going to make part of haz mat and carry sand for fuel spills or etc……….
#12 by Jr on July 8, 2013 - 11:43 PM
That plow ruck is the future Squad 1B.
#13 by Josh Boyajian on July 8, 2013 - 11:06 PM
Like I said before, there are like 3 of them there, they are old Schaumburg Plow Trucks
#14 by Nick N on July 8, 2013 - 11:02 PM
That plow is, or was a Schaumburg Public Works vehicle. SPW uses Sterling dump trucks with the exact same scheme, and has those weird green and yellow light bars mounted. In any case, as said above, why ask a question and then answer yourself?
#15 by chris on July 8, 2013 - 10:58 PM
if the plow truck was chicago’s it would be a freightliner because that is all the city has been getting the last few years and they would not put yellow/green lights on it
#16 by Robert on July 8, 2013 - 10:07 PM
Why would they do that. First you asked the question and now you are sure about it.
#17 by Shaan smith on July 8, 2013 - 4:35 PM
I know the snow plow is for the chicago fire department I think this snow plow will be a special opperation for the chicago fire department
#18 by NJ on July 8, 2013 - 3:55 PM
Any pics of the new deluge rigs out there?
#19 by Josh Boyajian on July 8, 2013 - 3:44 PM
I believe those snow plows are Used Schaumburg Public Works
#20 by Robert on July 8, 2013 - 3:23 PM
The snow plow isnt a new rig. That chassis has been made for several years
#21 by Shaan smith on July 8, 2013 - 1:09 PM
Is the Chicago fire department getting a snow plow because it is next to the two old wagons and it is colored red all over and the snow plow has red on the wheels