Karl Klotz was photographing apparatus in MABAS Division 41 (McLean County), and submitted several interesting images.

The MABAS Division 41 air unit, which is identical to the MABAS air units in nearby divisions. Karl Klotz photo

Bloomington Fire Department hazardous materials unit. Karl Klotz photo

Oshkosh Striker 3000 with Snozzle from the Central Illinois Regional Airport. Karl Klotz

This interesting black engine is from Ellsworth, IL. Karl Klotz photo
#1 by Luke Gilrane on August 29, 2013 - 8:25 AM
Wow – some great photos of Oshkosh vehicles on here. Keep up the good work.
#2 by Michael M on October 25, 2012 - 1:46 PM
I just saw on the Pierce Flickr site the Peoria Fire Department just received two 2012 Pierce Impels for Engines 1 and 3. Not sure which division Peoria is in. Normal has a 2011 Pierce Saber at their staion 3.