The Buffalo Grove Fire Department (BGFD) received a call shortly before 2PM from a resident who came home and found the house filling with smoke. Within minutes the deputy chief was on the scene who reported smoke showing before he upgraded the alarm to a Code 4. BGFD Engine 26 and Battalion 4 arrived minutes later and initiated an interior attack. The fire appeared to originate in a 2nd floor rear bedroom which then spread to the attic and the next room. Fire burned through the floor of that bedroom, but the fire was stopped before it spread through the first floor.
Mutual aid at the scene was from Long Grove, Lincolnshire-Riverwoods, Arlington Heights, Palatine, and Buffalo Grove EMA.
Larry Shapiro was at the scene and submitted several images and a video. A complete gallery can be viewed HERE.

Smoke turns white as firefighters making an interior attack hit the fire in the rear. Tower 25 maneuvers into position to vent the roof. Larry Shapiro photo

Black smoke pushes out of the second floor after firefighters take out the windows. A supply line is attached to the tower in the event that they have to go defensive. Larry Shapiro photo

A firefighter hits exterior hot spots in the rear of the house. Larry Shapiro photo

The crew from Buffalo Grove Quint 27 exits the house to replenish their air after performing ventilation and search assignments. Larry Shapiro photo

The rear of the house showing extensive fire damage. The fire reportedly originated in the 2nd floor corner bedroom. Larry Shapiro photo
Pioneer Press has a blurb HERE.
Lake County News-Sun has a small article HERE.