This from Martin Nowak:
Sold to: West Dundee FD – IL

Jun 22
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, New Delivery | 7 Comments
This from Martin Nowak:
Sold to: West Dundee FD – IL
Tags: 2007 Pierce Velocity 100' Platform sold to the West Dundee FD in Illinois,, West Dundee FD buys used aerial, West Dundee Fire Department
Sep 18
Posted by Admin in Fire Department History, fire engine for sale | 4 Comments
Found at
1994 Pierce Saber pumper
Auction Ends. 10/17/22 2:00 PM
ETRemaining. 29 Days 15 Hrs
Buyer’s Premium 12.50%
Starting Bid. $500.00
Bids 4
High Bidder. M******o
Current Bid. $550.00
Bid Increment. $25.00
Minimum Bid. $575.00
8.7L L6 DIESEL Detroit series 40 300 HP with an Allison MD3060 trans.
176” WB.
Waterous 1500-GPM 2-stage pump with 1,000-gal tank.
Truck removed from front line service in 2020. Placed in reserve status. Truck had routine maintenance while in service.
Runs and pumps well.
Has some body rust
TO SCHEDULE AN INSPECTION CALL Chief Mike Spiro at 847-551-3805. Potential bidders are encouraged to personally inspect each and every asset before bidding. Potential bidders should review all terms, images, and descriptions before bidding. All assets are being offered AS IS. All assets should be thoroughly inspected by a professional before use. The winning bidder is responsible for any taxes on the sale of assets. Assets may be picked up from 8 am until 3 pm on Monday through Thursday. AN APPOINTMENT MUST BE MADE BEFORE PICK UP. Individuals picking up assets MUST present the buyer’s certificate and a valid ID. We will not ship any assets. We will not pack assets for shipments picked up by third parties. We will not arrange or assist with shipping services.
West Dundee FD photo
thanks Martin
Tags: 1994 Pierce Saber pumper for sale,, fire engine for sale, Rutland Dundee Fire Department, West Dundee Fire Department
Excerpts from the
Elk Grove Village Fire Department Deputy Chief of Operations and Administration Lance Harris will replace retiring West Dundee Chief Randy Freise, who has held the post since 2012. Harris’ first day will be April 20, two weeks before Freise’s official retirement. The overlap is intended to facilitate a solid and seamless transition. Harris will be the fourth chief in the West Dundee Fire Department’s 40-year history.
Harris started as an Elk Grove firefighter and paramedic more than 24 years ago and worked his way through the ranks to lieutenant, battalion chief, and then deputy chief in 2014.
When Freise initially announced his retirement in August 2018, West Dundee began pursuing a deal that would have Rutland-Dundee Fire Chief Richard Thomas take over the leadership of both departments. Freise agreed to stay on until negotiations were finalized, but before a joint fire management services agreement was reached, Rutland-Dundee officials informed West Dundee last September that they were no longer interested in the shared chief option, primarily out of concern that Thomas would be spread too thin.
Tags: Lance Harris, new fire chief in West Dundee, West Dundee Chief Randy Freise, West Dundee Fire Department
Excerpts from the
West Dundee is searching for a new fire chief after a potential deal to share the leadership position with a neighboring entity fell through. The village board recently approved a $19,250 contract with GovHR USA to help find a replacement for Chief Randy Freise when he retires in the next two to three months. Initiating the recruitment process is a change of plans for West Dundee officials, who had been working toward a joint fire management services agreement with the Rutland-Dundee Fire Protection District.
The intent was to have Rutland-Dundee Chief Richard Thomas take over the leadership of both departments after Freise’s departure. He announced his retirement in August 2018, but agreed to stay on until negotiations were finalized. But before a deal was reached, Rutland-Dundee officials informed West Dundee in late September that they were no longer interested in pursuing the shared chief option — a decision made largely out of concern that Thomas would be spread too thin.
The recruitment process is expected to take 60 to 90 days. It will include an initial review of applications and a first round of interviews before narrowing the pool to three or four finalists. The final candidates would then be interviewed by village staff members and trustees. The job posting lists the position’s annual salary at $102,000 to $124,000, depending on qualifications.
Starting in 2017, Freise also spent two years overseeing both West Dundee and the East Dundee and Countryside Fire Protection District as part of their ongoing consolidation efforts. East Dundee fire board members eventually decided to terminate the agreement for budgetary reasons.
The two departments, as well as Rutland-Dundee and Carpentersville, have taken strides the past several years to share resources, unify training programs and standardize operations.
thanks Ron
Tags: Rutland-Dundee Chief Richard Thomas, Rutland-Dundee Fire Protection District, West Dundee Fire Chief Randy Friese, West Dundee Fire Department, West Dundee seeks fire chief
Jan 10
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News | Comments off
Excerpts from the
West Dundee is forging ahead with efforts to consolidate local fire departments. Trustees voted 4-1 to continue discussing a possible intergovernmental agreement with the Rutland-Dundee Fire Protection District that would have both departments working under one management team.
Monday’s discussion follows on the heels of the East Dundee and Countryside Fire Protection District’s decision to terminate an intergovernmental agreement with West Dundee that was approved in 2016 and had West Dundee Fire Chief Randy Freise taking the helm of both departments which began Jan. 1, 2017.
The agreement called for the cost of the chief position to be shared equally by each village. In terms of hierarchy, the East Dundee Fire Protection District’s deputy chief began reporting to Freise, and Freise reported to both the West Dundee village manager and the East Dundee Fire District board. West Dundee officials had hoped the two agencies could then work with Rutland-Dundee in coordinating joint fire management services.
But citing budget concerns, the East Dundee and Countryside Fire Protection District board voted in September to give 90 days notice of its intent to opt out of the agreement.
The proposed structure for the new joint fire management services concept would include utilizing the existing management staffs of the two departments, as well as the creation of a three-member board, with one member from Rutland-Dundee, one from West Dundee, and one to be agreed upon by the respective elected officials of both organizations, to serve as an oversight committee.
The chief and deputy chief would report directly to the board in regards to operations and day-to-day management issues, and the individual board members would report back to their respective full boards. West Dundee’s village manager would also serve as an ex-officio member to aid the fire staff in its day-to-day responsibilities.
The discussion does not exclude Carpentersville, which has been part of the effort in recent years to share resources and standardize operations. Carpentersville has expressed its desire to further evaluate the concept and leaders from both villages plan to meet in the coming weeks to discuss it.
Several West Dundee board members expressed their support for moving the concept forward for discussion.
Tags: Carpentersville Fire Department,, East Dundee and Countryside Fire Protection District, Rutland-Dundee Fire Protection District, towns move ahead with consolidation of fire departments, West Dundee Fire Department
Excerpts from the
A new ambulance for the West Dundee Fire Department will replace a 14-year-old ambulance with a well-documented history of mechanical problems. The lifespan of an ambulance is generally about a decade.
West Dundee was part of a class action lawsuit in 2009 against Ford for an alleged defective engine in the ambulance for which the village received some money back for repairs. Due to the numerous mechanical problems, Ford ultimately discontinued the 6.0-liter engine. In April 2017, about $5,000 was spent to fix the ambulance’s oil leaks. Village officials have also fielded patient complaints about the fumes and diesel smells coming from the rescue vehicle’s patient compartment.
While the going rate for ambulances is between $250,000 to $265,000, the new unit has a price of $199,000 by agreeing to let it be built as a demo unit. The price includes removal and reinstallation of the existing power load system.
Under the agreement, the 2019 ambulance can be used for demonstration purposes for approximately one month and at the conclusion West Dundee will purchase the vehicle. Officials will try to sell the 2005 ambulance on the open market. Delivery of the new ambulance is expected in January.
The fire department recently received a grant to outfit the ambulances with power cots and lift systems, as well as a Lucas Chest Compression System.
Tags: new ambulance for West Dundee, West Dundee Fire Department
Excerpts from the
West Dundee firefighters on Wednesday rescued a man who became stranded without a paddle while kayaking on a portion of Fox River that was still closed by recent flooding.
Firefighters responded at 3:17 p.m. to West Dundee’s South End Park, where a 24-year-old man in a kayak had become stuck against a tree and wedged under a foot bridge. When firefighters arrived, the man had lost his paddle and was struggling to break free from the tree.
Officials pulled the man and his kayak to a nearby shore and explained the river is still at flood stage and closed to recreational boaters.
Excerpts from the
The Carpentersville, East Dundee, Rutland, and West Dundee fire departments have agreed to share expenses for equipment that will be used for incidents involving hazardous materials, water, and technical rescues, and special investigations in all four areas.
Rutland’s decommissioned squad will carry needed equipment and be housed at one of the Carpentersville fire stations.
“Carpentersville is firmly committed to the implementation of interdepartmental cooperation with the possible goal that at a future date we will merge the departments to provide economies of scale through better use of equipment, better use of staff, shared leadership and creative new ideas,” said Carpentersville Village President Ed Ritter.
According to West Dundee Fire Chief Randy Freise, Carpentersville Fire Chief John-Paul Schilling has offered to send personnel as needed for the special-incident teams and will coordinate with all other fire departments.
A committee of representatives from the four departments has met. Their plans include that initial crews from each department will respond to incidents, with the special-teams vehicle used as an additional resource for large incidents when needed,” said Freise.
This is an excellent way to combine resources for the betterment of the community. According to the agreement, the four fire departments involved will be sharing expenses associated with equipping, maintaining, insuring and storing the squad. It will remain titled in the name of Rutland-Dundee.
With smaller communities in the Rutland Dundee Township Fire Protection District like Sleepy Hollow struggling to make ends meet, this agreement could be the start of continuing partnerships with larger municipalities to provide shared services.
thanks Dan
Tags: Carpentersville Fire Department, East Dundee Fire Protection District, Fire Chief John Schilling, fire departments to share resources, Rutland Dundee Fire Department, Rutland Dundee Township Fire Protection District, Rutland-Dundee Fire Protection District, West Dundee Fire Department, West Dundee Fire Department Fire Chief Randy Freise
Nov 23
Posted by Admin in Fire Department History, Fire Department News | Comments off
Excerpts from the
Two area fire departments are taking a positive step forward in their pursuit of a functional consolidation.
At Monday’s meeting, West Dundee trustees approved an intergovernmental agreement allowing the village to share the services of its fire prevention officer, Rick Paul, with the East Dundee and Countryside Fire Protection District. He will work three days a week in West Dundee and twice a week in East Dundee.
Per the agreement, he will remain an employee of West Dundee. The village will charge East Dundee $35 per hour to cover expenses such as insurance and vacation time. East Dundee will provide office space and a vehicle for the days Paul works in that village.
Paul served the Carpentersville Fire Department for more than 35 years will begin his new role Jan. 1.
The approval follows on the heels of an intergovernmental agreement reached in August which will have West Dundee Fire Chief Randy Freise taking the helm of both departments beginning Jan. 1.
“It is an effort to use our resources in the most cost-effective method while raising the bar for both departments,” he said. “West Dundee is offering the skills of an experienced fire inspector and East Dundee has some technological advances that would benefit West Dundee.”
Tags: East Dundee and Countryside Fire Protection District, West Dundee Fire Chief Randy Freise, West Dundee Fire Department
Jun 7
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News | Comments off
Excerpts from the
Calling it a tremendous step toward the pursuit of functional consolidation, East and West Dundee fire departments will consider sharing a chief once the head of East Dundee’s department retires later this year. East Dundee Fire Chief Steve Schmitendorf is set to retire in December.
At Monday’s village board meeting, West Dundee officials approved executing an intergovernmental agreement with the East Dundee and Countryside Fire Protection District for joint management services. The measure now has to be approved by members of the East Dundee Fire Protection District board.
The East Dundee Fire District board met twice, once in April and again in May to discuss options for replacing Schmitendorf upon his retirement, West Dundee Fire Chief Randy Freise said in a memo to the West Dundee Village Board. Members were very interested in signing an intergovernmental agreement with West Dundee to have Freise take the helm of both departments.
At Monday’s West Dundee Village Board meeting, Freise went more in-depth as to what that consolidation would look like. He said a main advantage would be the cost savings realized by sharing a chief. East Dundee has proposed a salary of $125,000, including benefits, which would be shared 50/50, he said.
Freise would oversee both departments, with East Dundee’s fire deputy chief being directly responsible for East Dundee personnel. The deputy chief would report directly to Freise. Freise, in turn would continue to report directly to West Dundee Village Manager Joseph Cavallaro as well as the East Dundee Fire District Board.
Freise said the main goal will be to bring both departments together to function as one department, and other cost savings would come from sharing vehicles, training, and programs.
He added the agreement is very low risk due to an opt out clause that can be incorporated stating either party can terminate the agreement with a written 90-day notice.
Last December, citing nearly impossible hurdles at the state level, the Carpentersville Fire Department, East Dundee Fire Protection District and West Dundee Fire Department opted not to seek a legal consolidation.
Tags: East Dundee and Countryside Fire Protection District, East Dundee Fire Chief Steve Schmitendorf, East Dundee Fire Protection District, Fire departments consider sharing a fire chief, fire departments might share fire chief, West Dundee Fire Chief Randy Freise, West Dundee Fire Department
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