Posts Tagged vintage Cadillac ambulance

Winnetka Fire Department history

More from Derrick Warner:

Winnetka 1974; #DerrickWarner;  #WinnetkaFD; #firestation; #history;

Derrick Warner photo; #DerrickWarner; #ambulance; #Cadillac; #WinnetkaFD; #vintage; #history;

Derrick Warner photo; #DerrickWarner; #ambulance; #Cadillac; #WinnetkaFD; #vintge; #history;

Derrick Warner photo; #DerrickWarner; #ambulance; #Cadillac; #WinnetkaFD; #vintage; #history;

Derrick Warner photo

And from our files …; #TBT; #history; #WinnetkaFD; #ambulance; #Cadillac; #classic; #firefighters;

Larry Shapiro photo

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Highland Park Fire Department history

This from Derrick Warner:

Highland Park Ravinia Fire Station 1 and vintage Cadillac Ambulance; #TBT; #HighlandParkFD; #history; #DerrickWarner; #ambulance; #Cadillac; #vintage; #classic;

Derrick Warner photo; #TBT; #HighlandParkFD; #history; #DerrickWarner; #ambulance; #Cadillac; #vintage; #classic;

Derrick Warner photo; #TBT; #HighlandParkFD; #history; #DerrickWarner; #ambulance; #Cadillac; #vintage; #classic;

Derrick Warner photo; #TBT; #HighlandParkFD; #history; #DerrickWarner; #ambulance; #Cadillac; #vintage; #classic;

Derrick Warner photo; #TBT; #HighlandParkFD; #history; #DerrickWarner; #firestation; #Ravinia;

Derrick Warner photo; #TBT; #HighlandParkFD; #history; #DerrickWarner; #ambulance; #Cadillac; #vintage; #classic;

Derrick Warner photo; #TBT; #HighlandParkFD; #history; #DerrickWarner; #ambulance; #Cadillac; #vintage; #classic;

Derrick Warner photo

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Wilmette Fire Department history

More from Derrick Warner chronicling EMS history in the northern suburbs; #TBT; #WilmetteFD; #history; #ambulance; #Cadillac; #vintage; #classic;

Derrick Warner photo; #TBT; #WilmetteFD; #history; #ambulance; #Cadillac; #vintage; #classic;

Derrick Warner photo; #TBT; #WilmetteFD; #history; #ambulance; #Cadillac; #vintage; #classic;

Derrick Warner photo

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