Posts Tagged Sugar Grove Fire Protection District

Sugar Grove FPD selling surplus apparatus

This from Christopher Holmes:

I recently learned that Sugar Grove got rid of their aerial ladder and are selling it.
fire truck for sale

2006 Pierce Dash 100′ Platform 2000/300 being sold to raise funds for the Sugar Grove FPD. Brindlee Mountain photo

This aerial is being surplused because anticipated commercial retail development in the first due area did not occur after the economic downturn. The aerial ladder firetruck is being replaced with a fire rescue pumper that will better meet the needs of the community. The aerial ladder is in immaculate shape and has very low miles.
Here is an abbreviated excerpt from the meeting minutes pertaining to the sale of surplus fire apparatus:
excerpt from Sugar Grove FPD meeting minutes
Here is a link to the complete Meeting Minutes where they agree to sell it:

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Tri-Com’s new fire dispatch freq

This from Chris Ranck from CARMA:

“Tri-Com South” 154.7925 D174 is the new official name of the former Sugar Grove channel.

Tri-Com South is being simulcast over 151.4075 D654, the former North Aurora repeater. This simulcast currently has some technical bugs on the dispatcher side consisting of repeating audio and the clipping off of the tail end of words.

Tri-Com is now dispatching both Sugar Grove and North Aurora over the repeater that Sugar Grove used to be on by themselves. 154.7925 D174
That channel is included on in both the Kane/NWDuPage/NWCook Feed and the DeKalb Tower Feed where it is now named “NAurora/SugarGrv”

154.7925R/159.3300 [D174] is the current Sugar Grove FPD local channel
151.4075R/154.7100 [D654] is the current North Aurora FPD dispatch channel.

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Sugar Grove FD apparatus photos

These photos from Christopher T. Holmes:

Sugar Grove FPD apparatus

Christopher T. Holmes photo

Sugar Grove FPD apparatus

Christopher T. Holmes photo

Sugar Grove FPD apparatus

Christopher T. Holmes photo

Sugar Grove FPD apparatus

Christopher T. Holmes photo

Sugar Grove FPD apparatus

Christopher T. Holmes photo

Sugar Grove FPD apparatus

Christopher T. Holmes photo

Sugar Grove FPD apparatus

Christopher T. Holmes photo

Sugar Grove FPD apparatus

Christopher T. Holmes photo

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North Aurora & Sugar Grove moving to Tri-Com?

This from a CarmaChicago conversation:

Tri-Com will probably be adding North Aurora Fire and Sugar Grove Fire and Police to their covered agencies in the coming months. (
Rumor also has it that they will be adding a second fire dispatch channel, but I don’t know what the freq or PL will be for that yet. Sugar Grove PD will take the 5 series unit designators (5-paul-x, etc) when they make the switch.


thanks Chris

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Future of Montgomery dispatch center uncertain

The Aurora Beacon News has an article about possible changes for the Montgomery Dispatch Center:

Trustees in the Village of Montgomery are expected to discuss the future of their police dispatchers at their board meeting Monday night.

The catalyst for the change was when Sugar Grove notified the village they are moving from having Montgomery dispatch calls for their police and fire protection. The $200,000 in revenue from Sugar Grove will also go away and the village is left to decide if they will continue to operate their dispatch center, with less revenue or also move.

“The village currently provides dispatch services to Sugar Grove Police and
Fire, Montgomery Countryside Fire, Aurora Township Fire and Waubonsee
Community College,” according to Police Chief Dan Meyers.

Acting Village Administrator and Finance Administrator Jeff Zoephel said
the switch to a regional group would amount to a cost savings but said that
figure is not yet available.

Meyers also states in the memo he would recommend the village partner with
Ken-Com Public Safety Dispatch. “Currently the majority of the Village’s
population, (57 percent) is in Kendall County. Also, the majority of our
commercial and retail businesses are in Kendall County.”

The entire article is HERE.

thanks Chris

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