Posts Tagged Pierce Enforcer Ascendant quint

New truck for the Lincolnshire-Riverwoods FPD (more)

This from Tyler Tobolt:

Lincolnshire – Riverwoods FPD Truck Co. 53 – 2022 Pierce Enforcer 107′ 1500/500.
Went into service within the past couple weeks.; #Lincolnshire-RiverwoodsFPD; #TylerTobolt; #FireTruck; #Pierce; #Enforcer; #Ascendant;

Tyler Tobolt photo; #Lincolnshire-RiverwoodsFPD; #TylerTobolt;

Tyler Tobolt photo

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New aerial for Tri-State FPD (more)

This from Tyler Tobolt:

Attached is a photo of the new Tri-State FPD Ladder 122 only been in service for about a week or two now.

#TriState-USFIR; #TylerTobolt;; #TriStateFPD; #FireTruck; #Pierce; #Ascendant

Tri State – USFiR Photography

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New truck for Elmhurst (more)

This from Larry Shapiro:

I saw Elmhurst Ladder 2 for the first time today. It was originally a demo and was posted previously before being lettered.

#larryshapiro;; #ElmhurstFD; #Pierce; #Enforcer; #Ascendant; #FireTruck;; #ElmhurstFD;

Larry Shapiro photo

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New aerial for Tri-State FPD (more)

From the Pierce Flickr site:

Pierce, Tri State Fire Protection District, IL, 36120-1

Pierce Enforcer Ascendant PUC quint

Pierce composite

thanks Keith

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New truck for Elmhurst (more)

From the Pierce Flickr site:

Pierce, Elmhurst, IL, 33431-1

Pierce Enforcer PUC Ascendant quint demo purchased by the Elmhurst Fire Department

Pierce composite

thanks AL

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