Posts Tagged North Riverside

Action image submission

Drew Gresik has again sent some images from a recent MVA that was responed to by both Riverside and North Riverside companies.

North Riverside FD at MVA

A few weeks back, there was a 3 car collision on Des Plaines Avenue between Riverside and North Riverside. It was in the middle of morning rush hour and caused quite a backup. On scene were both the Fire and Police Departments of North Riverside and Riverside. Engine 1621 of Riverside Fire/Rescue as well as Engine 807 from North Riverside Fire Department responded, as did both town's primary ambulances. Many police units were on scene to help with the flow of traffic.

Riverside Fire Department Engine 1623 E-ONE Cyclone

Riverside Engine 1621 leaving the scene. Drew Greski photo

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Action image submission

Drew Gresik answered our call for photos with this image from a recent MVA in North Riverside.

North Riverside IL Fire Department on-Scene at MVA

On September 25, 2010, there was a head-on collision between two vehicles on 1st Avenue in North Riverside. The occupants in the cars were injured and taken down the road to Loyola University Medical Center. The North Riverside Fire Department and Police Department as well as the Chicago Zoological Society Police Department and the Brookfield Police Department were the first units on-scene. The first ambulances on-scene were from fellow MABAS 11 departments Berwyn and Forest Park. Riverside and Broadview ambulances were called, but only Broadview was needed. Drew Gresik photo

Drew posts his images at

Thank you Drew

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Wheeled Coach ambulance deliveries within the past year

While trolling through ambulance company websites to find recent deliveries in the Chicago area, the following Wheeled Coach deliveries were listed.

Bartlett FPD Wheeled Coach ambulance

Ford E-Series Wheeled Coach ambulance in Bartlett. Wheeled Coach photo

Berwyn FD Wheeled Coach ambulance

Ford E-Series ambulance in Berwyn. Wheeled Coach photo

Elgin Fire Department Wheeled Coach ambulances

A pair of Ford F-Series ambulances for Elgin. Wheeled Coach photo

McCook FD Wheeled Coach ambulance

Freightliner Business Class M2 series ambulance for McCook. Wheeled Coach photo

North Riverside FD Wheeled Coach ambulance

Ford E-Series ambulance in North Riverside. Wheeled Coach photo

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