This from Sam Borica:

Here are some photos I took of the large brush fire today, (4/9/14) in Grayslake. Happened near Rt 60 & Behm Lane. Numerous acres involved, multiple departments were called to scene and for change of quarters. Took an hour and a half to completely extinguish the fire and clear the scene. I also have a picture of Mundelein Ambulance 431 at Grayslake’s Station #3 change of quarters across the street.
Sam Borcia
heavy smoke from grass fire

Sam Borica photo

large grass fire

Sam Borica photo

fire engine

Sam Borica photo

wildland interface fire engine

Sam Borica photo

fire department ambulance

Sam Borica photo

scene of large grass fire

Sam Borica photo

fire department brush truck

Sam Borica photo

large grass field fire

Sam Borica photo

wild land fire truck

Sam Borica photo

All of the pictures are on my Facebook page here:

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